Joe Jackson celebrates a 40+-year career full of unlikely hits — “Is She Really Going Out with Him?” “Stepping Out,” and “Breaking Us in Two” among them — and marked by forays into new wave, jazz, pop, and swing, among other detours. This musical chameleon always makes a statement on his albums by combining influences such as punk, jazz, swing, pop, rock and New Wave with his wry, surreal and wickedly humorous lyrics. Jackson’s eclectic live concert will feature band members Graham Maby (Bass, Vocals), Teddy Kumpel (Guitar, Vocals) and Doug Yowell (Drums, Vocals, Electronics).
Murray Franklin Band (uncredited)
홀어머니와 사는 아서 플렉은 코미디언을 꿈꾸지만 그의 삶은 좌절과 절망으로 가득 차 있다. 광대 아르바이트는 그에게 모욕을 가져다주기 일쑤고, 긴장하면 웃음을 통제할 수 없는 신경병 증세는 그를 더욱 고립시킨다. 정부 예산 긴축으로 인해 정신과 약물을 지원하던 공공의료 서비스마저 없어져 버린 어느 날, 아서는 지하철에서 시비를 걸어온 증권사 직원들에게 얻어맞던 와중에 동료가 건네준 권총으로 그들을 쏴 버리고 만다. 군중들은 지배계급에 대한 저항의 아이콘이 된 그를 추종하기 시작하며 광대 마스크로 얼굴을 가리고 거리로 쏟아져 나오기 시작하는데...
Expertly blending the grooves of pop, easy listening, and jazz, Joe Jackson has crafted countless unforgettable tunes over the past two and a half decades. Join him for a special, celebratory evening filled with song as Joe sings and jams out on his piano, making this one anniversary you'll never forget. Songs: Hell of a Town, You Can't Get What You Want ('Til You Know What You Want), Happyland, Stranger Than You, Another World, Is She Really Going Out with Him?, Real Men, Stranger Than Fiction, Glamour & Pain, Target.