Chris Aysta

참여 작품

Costume Design
The Driver drives a wounded diplomat, who carries a mysterious briefcase, while under helicopter attack. During the attack the briefcase is struck by a bullet, causing a display on it to begin counting down, and it to leak an unknown fluid from the bullet hole. The Driver manages to destroy his pursuers, but refuses to proceed without knowing the contents of the damaged briefcase. It is revealed that the diplomat guards a human heart for a peacekeeper, whose life is needed for the continued freedom of the people. The case is delivered, and the tyrant is forced to give up his attempt to take the country by force. The Driver leaves for another mission.
크로우: 구원의 손길
Costume Designer
애인 로렌을 잔혹하게 살해한 누명을 쓰고 전기 의자에 앉아 사형에 처해진 주인공 알렉스(에릭 마비우스)는 복수를 위해 부활한다. 로렌을 살해한 '미스터리 맨'을 추적하던 중 알렉스는 이 '미스터리 맨'보다 더욱 미스터리한 사건에 접한다. 로렌의 동생 에린(커스틴 던스트)의 도움을 빌어 사건의 실체에 접근하던 알렉스는 로렌의 끔찍한 죽음에 그녀의 아버지가 개입됐다는 사실을 알고 경악한다.
Around the Fire
Costume Design
Simon is an intelligent and privileged young man whose family expects him to become a Princeton graduate. Crying out for attention from his reserved and cool hearted family, Simon commits numerous petty crimes and is soon sent away to boarding school where he befriends a "Deadhead," adopts the "hippie" lifestyle and dabbles in many drugs in his search for acceptance.