Azaro is a spirit child, torn between the earth and the spirit world. As he struggles with his parents in the ghetto where he lives, he is constantly subjected to insidious attacks by the spirits who want him to return to their world. Why should he stay with the people with all the suffering?
사무엘은 어린 시절부터 아버지에게 부모같은 존재이다. 그러나 클레오를 만나면서 중압감에서 벗어난 자유로운 삶을 꿈꾸게 된다. 하지만 조현병을 앓는 아버지에 대한 사랑과 의존성이 그를 자꾸만 제지한다.
Guy with Cell Phone
Sergio is just out of prison. He meets up with an old childhood friend, hoping for a fresh start, but it's not long before he feels even more hopeless about the life ahead than the one he just left behind.