Indha Nilai Maarum (English: This situation will change) is a 2020 Tamil-language thriller film directed by Arunkanth V in his directorial debut. The film features Ashwin Kumar Lakshmikanthan, Ramkumar and Nivedhithaa Sathish in the lead roles.
An adventurous road trip of two lovers is being captured on camera by a crazy video crew, along with an insane group of musicians who intend to turn this footage into a music video for a music company contract.
척보면 딱 알아차리는 비상한 두뇌의 탐정 카니. 어느날 자신의 애견을 죽인 살인자를 찾아달라는 초딩 꼬마의 수사 의뢰를 받고꼬여 있던 미결 사건을 해결하러 나선다..