James Haliburton
두 여왕이 공존할 수 있을까? 스코틀랜드 여왕 메리와 잉글랜드 여왕 엘리자베스. 한쪽은 가톨릭교, 한쪽은 개신교. 한쪽은 세 번의 결혼을, 한쪽은 국가와의 결혼을 했다. 강한 두 여성이 맞붙었다. 하나의 종교, 하나의 왕관을 위해.
Violence among girls seems more visible than ever. This year, in Walthamstow, there were shocking scenes as a fight broke out started by young women. In Belfast, a fight between two girls organised on social media became a spectator event for the city’s teenagers. BBC reporter Alys Harte asks, are girls getting angrier - and if so, why? From women who beat their boyfriends, to drunken brawlers, to girl gangs - Alys looks at the rising number of females who are involved in violence, and hears from their victims.