Jeanne lives on a military base with an abrasive father, forced to care for their younger siblings while dreaming of breaking out of the family’s milieu by becoming a high-powered financial analyst.
Sabri Lahlali, the assistant principal of a local high school, is ready to do anything to ensure that his son, who is about to take his high school diploma, has the ideal academic record. But he doesn't know how far his enterprise will take him.
가가린 옥상에서 하늘을 보며 우주비행사를 꿈꾸던 10대 소년, 유리. 사랑하는 사람들과 함께 꿈을 키운 공간이었던 가가린 주택단지의 철거가 결정되고, 유리는 가가린을 지키기 위해 고군분투한다. 유리는 자신의 우상이자 우주, 그리고 집이었던 가가린 주택단지를 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Émile is afraid of the world. He no longer goes outside and paints everything blue. One night, his son Yoan encounters Soraya, a teenage fan of Tamil dance. She will help him find the right colour.