La empresa is a strange creature of a most ambiguous nature: a fiction film about documentary filmmaking as fiction filmmaking, and what it all does to a region’s economy as well as a collective psychology. Or is it? Isn’t it more to the point to say that... But before we get lost here, let’s state what La empresa talks about: how the caminata nocturna, the illegal crossing of the border between Mexico and the United States, was turned into a business that ranges from four-hour night-time tours for tourists out for a sick thrill to reenactments for film and television crews. The latter, of course, is at the core of André Siegers’ casually ironic look at this economy of disaster. When the Germans arrive in town, they meet a workforce already in place and willing to play to any national stereotype – as the French seem to get other kicks out of presenting the caminata nocturna than the Netflix internationals.
Production Trainee
뒷돈은 용돈, 뇌물은 노후자금이라는 믿음으로 20년 간 활동한 베테랑 경찰 또랑뜨는 그만 하룻밤의 도박으로 전 재산을 날려버린다. 하는 수 없이 또랑뜨는 빚 청산을 위해 사설탐정학교를 차리고 어리숙한 학생들을 갈취하고, 여사님들의 불륜 뒷조사를 시작한다. 그런데 어느 날, 그의 앞에 미사일로 도시 전체를 불바다로 만들겠다는 테러범이 등장한다. 이 테러범을 잡는 순간, 엄청난 현상금이 떨어진다는 사실을 알아차린 또랑뜨! 이제 빚 청산을 위한 죽기 살기 테러범 소탕 작전이 시작된다!