Eva lives cut off from the outside world in het sterile blue apartment. She's allergic to just about everything. Are her allergies caused by a polluting multinational corporation, or is she so sensitive and vulnerable she's making herself ill?
Márton Vass
A coming-of-age story set in the contemporary Hungarian countryside, where teenager soloist Dávid decides to stand up for Nóri, 13, a cellist in their youth orchestra who is having a suspiciously close relationship with their 60-year-old conductor. While looking for the truth, Dávid's life soon starts to spiral out of control as he faces tough decisions and the adult society's negligence.
Mate, a lonely, divorced real estate agent is put in charge by his boss to sell a suburban storage building. The storage is rented by the Chinese, who keep their semi-legal goods here before selling them on the market. The stock comprising of several thousands of boxes is guarded by a Chinese man, Wu, who also lives in the storage. During this forced association a strange friendship begins between the two lonely men, even though Wu is told by his boss to prevent the sale of the storage under all circumstances. The boss is also giving enticing promises to Wu to help him realize his dream: go back to China and create his own football team. The situation is further complicated by the pizza girl, who is equally liked by both men and stirs up the strange life of the storage.
1980년대 말, 소련의 문호가 개방되기 시작하고 서방의 자유화 문물이 소련사회에 유입되기 시작하자, 그 부작용의 하나로 모스크바 뒷골목에서 마약이 밀거래 되기 시작한다. 덕분에 바빠진 모스크바 경찰국의 당코 형사는 그루지야인들과 이루어진 마약범죄단의 두목 빅토르 라스코를 검거하려다 친한 동료를 빅토르의 총에 잃는다. 미국으로 도주하여 대규모 마약거래를 계획중이던 빅토르가 교통위반으로 시카고 경찰에 입건되었다는 전문이 들어온 날, 모스크바 경찰국은 그를 압송해 오라는 임무를 주어 당코를 미국으로 보낸다.