Semyon Furman

Semyon Furman

출생 : 1951-01-09, Leningrad, USSR, [now Saint Petersburg, Russia]

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Semyon Furman

참여 작품

Обе две
A daring 14-year-old Glasha lives with her grandmother in Shuya and dreams of becoming a director. After the death of her grandmother, her older authoritarian aunt should take custody of the girl. However, the freedom-loving Glasha runs away from her to Moscow, to her younger aunt. By the will of circumstances, they go on a joint journey together, which will eventually change both of them.
Golden Neighbors
The inhabitants of the St. Petersburg communal apartment are not relatives, but just neighbors with their habits and dreams. They are given the opportunity to part, and then they understand how much they value each other.
Кавказский тверк
Feature film by Amet Magomedov.
Dancing on Top
dedushka Zabukar
Adventures of the Dagestan hip-hopper Tofig.
Dancing on Top
grandfather Zabukar
Adventures of the Dagestan hip-hopper Tofig.
Здрасьте, я ваш папа!
Polar Flight
Sometimes New Year eve can bring a lot of surprises...
Business as Usual
Staryi likar
Forty years old is a perfect age to change ones life. The hero makes a decision to quit the psychotherapist's cabinet, which he is sick and tired of and become a poet. To become a freelance artist. A trifle remained to cope with to persuade the wife.
That still Karloson!
The hero of Mikhail Galustyan, known in our world as KarlOson, lives in a magical and colorful world of metrics - chubby flying big-ear humanoids one meter tall, whose mission - to help kids. Metrics can show themselves to children, but are forced to carefully hide the fact of their existence from boring adults.
Ночной таверны огонёк
Double will not be
Igor Zhdanov is a popular actor. For many years he has played the same role — a clever detective in the popular series. He was the hero of all fails, he defends the downtrodden and save the doomed. One day, returning from filming in his native St. Petersburg, Igor is in a compartment with a strange companion — Savichev. He is clearly scared about something. Igor, putting on the table a bottle of vodka, Savichev offers to get rid of fear in the traditional way.
Good and Kind People Are Living in the World
Good and Kind People Are Living in the World... Despite all the strange thing which are happening to you.
Happy Ending
The private part of a young man leaves the owner and starts his own adventure...
O, Luckyman!
A comedy about the young guy who got the chance to live a life of somebody else.
Vanka Groznyy
Бизнесмен Егор Будылин, попадает в аварию на проселочной дороге: его дорогая иномарка сталкивается с… трактором! Водителя «железного коня» зовут Иван, и он, как брат-близнец, похож на Егора. Удивленные, они расходятся «полюбовно». Но уже вскоре судьба сведет их снова. Егор, у которого в последнее время не ладится ни бизнес, ни личная жизнь, подговаривает Ивана пожить его жизнью, а ему уступить свою, деревенскую, жизнь.Как ни странно, прямодушному трактористу удается то, чего так долго не мог добиться бизнесмен. Красавица-жена снова смотрит на «мужа» с любовью, дети узнают «отца» как строгого и принципиального человека, а конкуренты терпят одно поражение за другим.
Time of joy
In the life of the national artist, actor Vsevolod Fleminsky, a crisis ensued. Advertising, in which you have to shoot, endless photo shoots, television series - all this is like an endless tape, but there are no real roles. And then there was still undisguised greed for his dearest half, and in combination with his agent Svetlana Nikolaevna. And Fleminsky decided to quit. He transferred his small roles to his fellow actors, gave the mobile phone to some monk in the train, and he disappeared at his dacha. However, it turned out that his wife had leased the cottage to a certain trading company. The owner of this company Irina met with hostility the appearance of an uninvited owner. But. .. from hatred to love, as you know, one step, and he was quickly passed by the participants of this duet ...
Silver Samurai
The film intertwines the intrigues at the court of Peter III and the mysterious murders of our days that happened on the territory of the Oranienbaum Museum-Reserve. At one time, the estate was donated to Menshikov and named Oranienbaum in honor of an orange tree. According to legend, Peter I came across a greenhouse with a wonderful "orange tree" in a tub on the territory of the estate and laughed after reading the sign Oranienbaum. The estate inherited later by Peter III was completed, and under Catherine the Great a Chinese palace of amazing beauty appeared in it.
I'm Staying
Viktor Tyrsa (voice)
Many people assume that life does not end after death. Not Dr. Tyrsa, practical and skeptical man, who never believed in this nonsense. However, thanks to the bowling accident, he finds himself in a desert land with people like him not belonging to this world yet not accepted into the other. Now Dr. Tyrsa realizes that the life he used to live was not so bad, and he's got something worth returning to.
Хранить вечно
Частный детектив Иваниди (Cемён Фурман) приглашён на поиски пропавших киноматериалов. Он начинает проводить допросы с пристрастием, используя при этом разные способы давления, чем повергает всех в шок. Расследование заходит в тупик, что не удивительно, ведь "частный детектив" не кто иной, как сбежавший из психиатрической клиники шизофреник.
Aziris Nuna
Brothers Stas and Kostya find themselves in 2506 as the prisoners of Space Prison then get in touch with the unusual people of the future to play a strange game with them. Later, they are captured by the fantastic sphinx Shidla who guards them from various dangers. Further, the brothers keep moving in their time machine and their next stop is Ancient Egypt.
Первый Скорый
Sunless City
Egor, a successful thirty-year-old engineer falls in love with Lucy, a flamboyant artist and amateur actress. He clashes with her brother Alex, an “evil genius” photographer, who has dedicated his new exhibition “Sunless City" to St. Petersburg. Egor can't understand the values of the “sunless city”, the fringe world inhabited by Lucy and Alex. After Egor realizes that Lucy is a drug addict, he desperately tries to save her...
Against the background of Moscow of the new Millennium with its concrete and glass business centers and picturesque garbage seller Shoe store — "shoemaker" Gorokhov — gets out of the most incredible stories. Once Gorokhov falls in love with a young beauty Alice, the wife of crime boss named "Pukhliy"…
When a story is hard to say, because on planet Earth "has the time", mixed age... Sir Lavoie, a typical scholar-hermit, leave the Capital and went to a colleague in another city. The house is hosting merry trio of servants: the maid, the Dol, the footman Face and the Butler SATL.
The Fragile Thing
A school teacher wasn't expecting to find a dead man corpse in her apartment during a party.
Who, If Not Us
This movie deals with two friends, 13-14 year old boys. One comes from a more or less stable home (although he is growing up with single mom) and another comes from a broken up family. One day the kids break into a store to pretty much have fun and get something to eat, short time after they get caught and one kid is sent to juvenile prison (14 year old) and another one is released to his being too young to be tried (13 years old). The younger kid feels bad about such decision, feels guilty and tries to help his friend in any way possible. While trying to help he is meeting a guy, who is ex-cop and now down-on-his-luck drunk(played by Priyomykhov himself)... the two become friends. In the finale, the ex-cop has to go one of the PTA meeting at school (his mother could not get away from work and knows nothing about the ex-cop) where suddenly his mother appears and meets the "father"...
A story about a group of teenagers who are desperately fighting to keep alive their horse called Rogue.
Удачи вам, господа!
Prisoners of fortune
An attempt at a parody comprehension of the clichés and techniques of the Soviet adventurous comedy genre of the 50s-70s. This is a story about three heroes who return to their home city after escaping from prison. Truthfulness and sincerity help the characters find their place in the changed system.
Do it, Manya!
The Key
St. Petersburg. Winter of 1917, the eve of the February Revolution. The maid finds in the room the corpse of the murdered tenant. In his pocket, a hotel account was found in the name of Karl Fischer, a well-known banker. An investigation is beginning. In the list of suspects - an agent of the secret police...
And the Wind Returns...
House Under the Starry Skies
Old scientist Bashkirtsev is very surprised to discover the possible contacts with other world...
Art of Living in Odessa
Aron Poskin
The plot of the movie is based on books of Isaak Babel about Jewish criminals in city of Odessa before and after the Russian revolution.
В полосе прибоя
An armed attack on cash messengers is undertaken near a trade center in a small provincial town, an agent of Ministry of Internal Affairs dies in crossfire. A crime investigator major Rovnin (V. Kuznetsov), who appeared to be a close friend of the deceased, comes from Moscow to assist in the investigation. He is astonished at how savagely his friend was shot, as if someone was revenging. Local investigating bodies are convinced that they can manage this and arent too satisfied with the arrival of Moscow expert. They try to handle this as soon as possible, even at the cost of mistake. But the majors task is to find the killer, in spite of the fact that he is left nothing but to hold the investigation by himself.
Comrade Chkalov Crosses the North Pole
A satiric comedy which dissects the iconography of the 'Soviet Hero'. Original footage of a propaganda film from 1941 is the starting point for this parody of the ideological cliches of Soviet cinema. It follows the story of a Russian crew across the North Pole.
Fanat 2
милиционер Коля
After the final fight, Malish - karate fan in late Soviets still try hard to beat his way to the top.
Музыкальные игры
Evil Spirit
The Isle of Lost Ships
A musical partially based on a sci-fi novel "The Isle of Lost Ships" by Aleksandr Belyaev.
My Dearly Beloved Detective
член клуба холостяков
The conceit is that Sherlock Holmes is, as in reality, a fictional creation of Arthur Conan Doyle, but that the place where his office would be is maintained by the brilliant detective Shirley Holmes, who both solves crimes and maintains a museum for people who think Sherlock Holmes is real -- accompanied by a phonograph playing music from the Livanov series which had not long ended. She is accompanied, as might be expected, by a woman Watson, and must fight off the affections of both a Scotland Yard inspector an a parody Latin lover from Spain.