Florence Giorgetti

Florence Giorgetti

출생 : 1943-02-15, Paris, France

사망 : 2019-10-31


Florence Giorgetti (15 February 1944 – 31 October 2019) was a French stage and film actress. She was nominated for the César Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in The Lacemaker. She died in October 2019, in her native Paris, aged 75. Source: Article "Florence Giorgetti" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

프로필 사진

Florence Giorgetti

참여 작품

My Best Part
Jérémie, a young man reaching a breaking point on all fronts, decides to leave behind Paris and return to Limosin, to the home of his intrusive mother.
Loin du Léman
칼 + 심장
Dark Room Manager
편집기사인 애인 로이스의 변심에 절망하는 게이 포르노 감독 안느는 의문의 연쇄 살인마에 의해 포르노 배우들이 하나 둘 죽어나가자 이에 영감을 받아 라는 문제작을 만든다. 70년대 캠프 미학과 슬래셔, 디알로 등 비주류적인 모든 것을 섞어놓은 작품. M83의 사운드트랙이 매력적이다.
4 Days in France
La riveraine
A man leaves everything behind to travel aimlessly through France, letting himself be guided only by the people and landscapes he encounters: four days and four nights of wandering, during which his lover tries to locate him via Grindr, a smartphone dating app.
Viva Algeria
La voyante
This movie portrays three women living in today's Algeria between modern society and Islamic fundamentalism, self-determination and dependence. Goucem, a young woman who works for a photographer and mistress of a rich doctor, her mother Papicha, a former cabaret star, and her best friend Fifi, a prostitute, all live in a hotel in the city center of Algiers. Their difficult personal situation and the growing influence of Islam lead to dramatic consequences...
Cold Lands
Madame Chamblasse
A young Frenchman of Arab descent, Djamel, becomes convinced that his long-lost father is a rich factory owner in Grenoble. When the man coldly rejects him, Djamel plots a revenge that will implicate the man's closeted gay son.
A Minute of Silence
Cabaret woman
In a dying French mining town near the German border, the last miners are preparing to strike. Marek and Mimmo, two young miners and friends, have different views on the impending strike.
Il Faut Que Je l'Aime
A young woman named Juliette is faced with a series of confrontations that she hears as those close to her discuss matters directly affecting Juliette offscreen.
La petite amie d'Antonio
The mother
It's a simple love story. Antonio likes Claudie. But Claudie is not so simple ... Claudie is a young woman who stumbles into reality. Little by little, we discover the life of her and those around her. Her friends, her family, her past ... And Antonio, who loves her and takes her by the hand and does not want to let go. He would certainly like to succeed in understanding her. And it's important to understand when you love. Claudie has her whole life in front of her, what is she afraid of?
열흘 만에 촬영된 이 놀라운 영화는 1978년부터 1988년까지 한 남자의 삶을 따라간다. 루이는 아내와 젊은 딸이 있는 가장이지만 평범한 삶에 권태를 느끼고, 뒤늦게 자신의 성 정체성을 깨닫게 된다. 집을 나온 그는 이제 여러 남자들을 만나기 시작한다.
Staircase C
Story of a snooty young critic at the centre of several plotlines which run throughout his apartment block.
Les parents ne sont pas simples cette année
Parents are not easy this year. That's what 16-year-old Marie realized when she saw the mess her father, a general practitioner, and her mother were in. But Marie is more interested in dancing. The arrival of Laurent, a young student, will reveal her passion for choreography and, as a result, awaken the unconscious but tenacious love she has for Paul, her childhood friend.
My Other Husband
A woman leaves her husband and marries another man without divorcing the first.
Prends ton passe-montagne, on va à la plage
Marie-Ange Satcher
By chance, a band of merry friends is getting in command of a thalasso therapy center.
San-Antonio ne pense qu'à ça
La directrice du théâtre
Walter Klozett is a spy arrested and imprisoned by the French Police who know him in possession of stolen booty which the French secret services would like to recover at all costs.
Snails in the Head
Following a recent divorce, Hélène Gallois (Florence Giorgetti), a well-known writer, meets Edouard Fournier (Renaud Verley) in a specialized clinic where she is being treated. A kind of friendship is formed between them which evolves very quickly towards a sexual complicity ...
멜랑콜리 베이비
Claire, l'amie d'Olga
파리에서 가난한 번역가로 활동하던 올가는 사업가인 로랑과 결혼해 스위스의 시골에 정착한다. 큰 부자인 로랑 덕에 올가는 아무 부족한 것 없이 안락한 생활을 누리지만 마음 한 구석은 점점 텅 비어 간다. 그러던 어느 날 남편의 사업상 친구인 피에르와 함께 저녁 식사를 하게 되고 올가는 점점 피에르의 매력에 빠져든다. 그리고 남편이 파리로 출장을 간 사이 올가는 결국 혼자서 피에르를 찾아 가는데...
A blind, paralyzed president uses his remarkable hearing and his corrupt daughter to keep his country in line. His beautiful, clever daughter works her own agenda while striving to be the equal of men. She appoints herself Chief of Firefighters and then commits arson to ensure that her job is needed.
Question of Love
Gisèle Polmi
Architect Dumas dies from a bullet of his own gun in front of his house. The police suspect his young Swedish wife Catherine and her English lover Tom Hastings. After numerous interrogations, in which they entangle themselves in contradictions, they try to flee, but are soon both caught and brought to trial, he in England, she in France. Only when Catherine keeps on proclaiming her innocence, superintendent Corbier finally considers believing her.
New York After Midnight
Monique Raymond
Monique is a 35 year old French woman, living in New York. The daughter of a French diplomat who has remarried, Monique has no financial worries, and holds a good job with a publishing firm. She finds relationships difficult, and frequently suffers acute depression. Her nights are filled with strange dreams, and apparitions of flashing lights.
The Lacemaker
Pomme is a meek and mild French beautician whose life takes a fateful turn during a vacation to Normandy. She becomes the lover of middle-class literature-student François. The relationship sours when François takes her home to meet his parents, thanks in no small part to their differing social backgrounds.
To Each His Hell
Une secrétaire
After her daughter is kidnapped, a mother discovers that there can be something even worse after "the worst."
Femmes Fatales
A girl in the subway
Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons.
르 지땅
la serveuse de Ninie
위고 세나르(알랭 들롱 분)는 사회의 특수 소외 계층인 집시다. 집시들의 권리를 옹호하기 위해 살인을 저지르고 3년전 형을 구형 받았으나 탈옥하고 만다. 그의 동료들 역시 은행을 털다가 20년형을 구형 받았다. 경찰은 이들을 2년 전부터 쫓고 있으나 이들은 오히려 대담하게 절도 행각을 계속하며 가난하고 불쌍한 소외계층 사람들을 도와준다. 사회에서 멸시 받는 집시의 후예, 그는 강도 짓을 해 번 돈으로 어려운 이웃을 돕는 등, 사회에 대한 불만을 이상한 행동으로 해소한다. 그러나 위고 세나르(지탕)은 가는 곳마다 묘하게 금고 털이범 얀 퀵과 얽히게 되는데. 고독한 두 사나이들의 운명은 과연 어떻게 될 것인지... 아무도 도와주는 이 없는 이 집시의 목숨을 구해주는 수의사는 돈 다발을 건네는 주인공에게 악수 한번이면 충분하다고 거절한다.
I. You. They.
La femme interviewée qui consomme les maris des autres
Little did this pretty brunette know when she applied for a babysitting job that her employer was an artist and that everything at his place differed from the outside world. What struck her the most was to find out that her boss had shrunk his wife and kept her in the fridge in order, as he said, to keep her safe from a hostile world!
그랑 부프
파리에 사는 중년의 네 남자, 파일럿인 마르첼로, 방송국 종사자 미첼, 주방장 우고 그리고 판사 필립. 그들의 삶은 부유하고 안락해 보이지만, 반복되는 삶에 대한 권태와 남모르는 정신적인 박탈감을 안고 있다. 필립의 외딴 빌라에 모여 그들은 먹고 마시고 섹스만 하는 이상한 게임을 시작한다. 마르코 페레리 감독은 이 영화에서도 이유도, 목적도 없는 유럽사회의 천박한 소비주의를 끔찍하게 묘사하고 있다.
Rum Runners
A guest at Linda's
During the prohibition era, Cornelius, a bootlegger, is on the run from the American coastguards. He comes across a silent film actress, Linda, on the set of a movie and falls in love with her.
On the Lam
Une détenue
A young couple of burglars, waiting for trial, marry in jail. Annick writes down her observations of the women's ward. When she hears that her lover must serve a twice as long prison sentence, she plans their escape.
The Adventures of Zadig
In the time of King Moabdar, in ancient Babylon, the young philosopher, Zadig, undergoes many misadventures.
Le revolver et la rose
Eric, a 14-year-old boy, is now almost alone. His mother, faced with her husband's bizarre behavior, left the marital home. Eric's father, for his part, leads a triple existence. On the other hand, he maintains apparently normal relations with his son, but at the same time he leads an unacknowledged, secret life "elsewhere", where confused, equivocal relations bind him to a strange, elusive woman, whose vision sometimes inspires feelings of filial love, sometimes reveals to him the bitter taste of a passion faded by time.
Jerk in Istanbul
Vincent And Gregoire have just won a lot a money. The latter wants the whole pile and flies away to Turkey where he meets a compatriot, Appoline, and her boss Samos.
Massacre of Pleasure
A police officer attempts to shut down an illegal girls-for-drugs operation (American version).