Georges Aubrey

참여 작품

On the Tip of the Tongue
Fernand's father
The love story between a withdrawn and taciturn teenager and a lonely woman of 20 years older. An endearing painting of an awakening to sensuality, against the backdrop of everyday life of the small provincials: Fernand, fifteen the age of stealthy glances, lies and infinite dreams is a solitary, observant, different boy from other teenagers of his age while being so close to them. Locked in his room, he collects pictures of beautiful naked actresses to drown his boredom. His desire will come true in the presence of Catherine, a rich and mysteriously lonely woman next door. As a worker's son, withdrawn and taciturn, will discover a world that is new to him. He watches, spies, observes the comings and goings of the body of hers who, in certain circumstances ignores him. Through their encounters and helping jealousy, this almost filial love will turn into an irresistible physical attraction.
The Erasers
A detective is seeking an assassin in a murder that has not yet occurred, only to discover that it is his destiny to become that assassin.
브뤼셀의 어느 미장원에서 일하는 청년 마르크는 자동차 경주대회에 출전할 꿈을 갖고 산다. 주인의 차를 몰래 끌고 나와 거리를 방황하곤 하는 그는 젊은 여인과 사랑에 빠지지만 동시에 부유한 여인으로부터 유혹을 받는다. 예르지 스콜리모프스키가 벨기에에서 장 피에르 레오와 만난 작품으로, 68년 전후 유럽의 공기를 만끽할 수 있는 아름다운 영화. 1967년 베를린영화제 금곰상 수상.