Daniela Baumgärtl

참여 작품

메리 미
7살 딸과 함께 베를린에서 카페를 운영하며 살고 있는 싱글맘 '키시'. 어느 날, 카페 건물 주인인 자신의 할머니로 인해 평화롭던 삶이 와장창 무너지고 만다. 할머니는 당장 결혼을 하지 않으면 '키시'와 딸이 살고 있는 집과 카페를 팔아 벌이겠다고 협박을 하고, 고민 끝에 '키시'는 이 모든 문제점을 해결할 수 있는 단 하나의 방법! 위장결혼을 하기로 결심하는데...
“Whatever falls from heaven, you may keep.” So goes the unwritten law of the Kazakh steppes. A law avidly adhered to by the inhabitants of a small village, who collect the space debris that falls downrange from the nearby Baikonur space station. The last two youthful members of the village are the radio operator Iskander, known as Gagarin, and the spirited Nazira. While Nazira finds it increasing difficult to conceal her love for Iskander by means of her unconventional behaviour, Iskander is evidently not only crazy about Baikonur and the vastness of outer space, but also deeply smitten with the beautiful French astronaut Julie Mahé, whose journey to the stars he wistfully follows on television.
Dígame - Tell Me
Things aren’t going well for Esteban. His record shop on the outskirts of San Telmo has gone bust. Esteban has had enough. On the bicentennial of Argentina’s independence he decides to call it day and put an end to the shop – and his marriage to Elisabeth. He wants his freedom – for Esteban has fallen in love again.