Originally commissioned by Truffaut as part of a series of short films based on Edgar Allen Poe's Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, it would be a way for New Wave directors to sponsor younger directors. This was the only film in the series completed.
Originally commissioned by Truffaut as part of a series of short films based on Edgar Allen Poe's Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, it would be a way for New Wave directors to sponsor younger directors. This was the only film in the series completed.
Assistant Director
Jean Lerat begins his military service at an army camp. Despite his aunt’s attempts to pull a few strings to his advantage, the unfortunate Lerat manages to get on the wrong side of his bullying colonel…
Jean Lerat begins his military service at an army camp. Despite his aunt’s attempts to pull a few strings to his advantage, the unfortunate Lerat manages to get on the wrong side of his bullying colonel…
Assistant Unit Manager
열네 살 소년 앙트완은 마음 둘 곳이 없다. 엄마와 새아버지는 앙트완에게 무관심하고, 딱히 말썽을 피우려 한 것도 아닌데 학교에선 선생님에게 문제 학생으로 찍혀버렸다. 유일한 위안은 가장 친한 친구 르네와 함께 학교를 빼먹고 영화관에 가거나 거리를 돌아다니는 것. 숙제를 빼먹고, 무단 결석을 하는 등 갑갑한 현실을 벗어나고자 사소한 일탈을 일삼던 앙트완은 급기야 쪽지를 남긴 채 가출하고 가벼운 범죄를 저지르지만 냉혹한 어른들의 세상에서 그가 원하는 자유는 점점 멀어지기만 하는데...
Production Manager
여름날, 베르나데트를 여신처럼 숭배하던 5명의 소년들은 그녀와 그녀의 연인 제라르의 일상을 염탐하기 시작한다. 얼마 후, 제라르가 어디론가 떠나고, 소년들은 베르나데트에게 사랑의 엽서를 보내는데, 뜻밖에도 제라르의 사망 소식을 접한다. 자크 리베트, 알랭 레네와 함께한 첫 번째 실험 (1954) 이후에 만든 작품으로 모리스 퐁스의 단편을 각색. 트뤼포는 갖가지 영화적 효과를 활용하여 뜨거운 여름과 터질 듯한 젊음의 에너지를 심플한 흑백화면에 분출시켰다.
Party guest (uncredited)
Claire (Vitry) is a chic young Parisian woman married to a somewhat older husband, Jean (Doniol-Valcroze). As the story opens, she leaves her husband playing baroque music at the piano, telling him she is off to see her sister, Solange. In reality she meets her lover, Claude (Brialy) at his apartment; after some idle chatter and love-making he tells her a story of the shriveled heads that the Jivaro Indians used to give their lovers as tokens of affection but, as she shivers in disgust, he gives her a mink instead. How will they hide it from her husband though?
Assistant Camera
Claire (Vitry) is a chic young Parisian woman married to a somewhat older husband, Jean (Doniol-Valcroze). As the story opens, she leaves her husband playing baroque music at the piano, telling him she is off to see her sister, Solange. In reality she meets her lover, Claude (Brialy) at his apartment; after some idle chatter and love-making he tells her a story of the shriveled heads that the Jivaro Indians used to give their lovers as tokens of affection but, as she shivers in disgust, he gives her a mink instead. How will they hide it from her husband though?