Kate Pakenham

참여 작품

메리, 퀸 오브 스코틀랜드
Executive Producer
두 여왕이 공존할 수 있을까? 스코틀랜드 여왕 메리와 잉글랜드 여왕 엘리자베스. 한쪽은 가톨릭교, 한쪽은 개신교. 한쪽은 세 번의 결혼을, 한쪽은 국가와의 결혼을 했다. 강한 두 여성이 맞붙었다. 하나의 종교, 하나의 왕관을 위해.
Julius Caesar
The first installment of Phyllida Lloyd’s groundbreaking all-female Shakespeare Trilogy sees Harriet Walter take on the role of Brutus, who wrestles with his moral conscience over the murder of Julius Caesar.
Henry IV
Harriet Walter takes the lead in the second installment of the Donmar Shakespeare Trilogy directed by Phyllida Lloyd. Featuring a diverse company of women, this unique interpretation combines both parts of Shakespeare’s history plays about King Henry IV and his son Prince Hal.
The Tempest
Phyllida Lloyd’s final installment of the Donmar Shakespeare Trilogy concludes with an all-female version of The Tempest starring Harriet Walter as Prospero. This captivating reimagining explores themes of freedom and justice in the context of a women’s prison.