Violetta Krechetova

Violetta Krechetova

프로필 사진

Violetta Krechetova

참여 작품

A Portrait Of A Stranger
In a nostalgic Moscow of 1976, an unlucky actor meets a charismatic writer, a living classic of Soviet literature, who turns his life into a tragicomic farce with the artistic bohemia, foreign-currency prostitutes, the KGB staff and agents of the CIA.
The film-spectacle “UFO” is the story told by people from the different countries around the world about their contact with an extra-terrestrial civilization. The play is some kind of therapy, as it touches on the basic structures of human mentality, such as egoism, safety, belief in god, gratitude, the spiritual path, etc. According to statistical research, 6 million people claim that they have had contact with aliens; 2 million of them say that they have been hijacked and spent some time in an unknown space. Only 9 tell about something absolutely unbelievable.
The two main characters, a man and his female friend, came to watch the play. Things happening on stage and real life are gradually mixing up, and now they will have to figure out what is «reality» in the world of endless entertainment.
위대한 시
모스크바 변두리에서 현금을 운송하며 살아가는 빅터와 파블릭은 삭막한 일상을 보낸다. 단지 더 많은 돈을 벌기를 원할 뿐 이들의 삶에 다른 희망은 찾기 어렵다. 그러던 어느날 빅터와 파블릭은 마을 주민을 대상으로 한 시 창작 수업에 등록하는 한편 현금 강탈을 계획한다. 건조하고 잔인한 폭력 묘사와 일상의 감상적 순간이 묘한 조화를 만드는 작품.
Delhi Dance
Based on a play about a female dancer who finds her inspiration in the dirt markets of Delhi
럭키 트러블
Executive Producer
위대한 작가의 꿈을 안고 모스크바에 도착한 팔치키 시골 선생님 슬라바. 기대했던 책 출판은 물거품이 되었지만, 교통사고로 아름다운 여인 나디아를 만나게 된다. 모스크바에서 나디아와 행복한 시간을 보낸 슬라바는 고향으로 돌아기가 전 그녀에게 청혼하고 슬라바는 팔치키로 돌아가 학교에 사직서를 쓰기로 한다. 꿈꾸던 결혼식을 앞두고 모스크바로 출발하려던 슬라바는 기차역에서 예상치 못한 행사를 맞닥뜨린다. 러시아 전역의 축구팀들이 참가하는 러시아 청소년컵 축구대회가 팔치키에서 열리게 된 것. 행사장에서 슬라바는 팔치키팀 감독으로 오해를 사고 당장 다음 날 축구 경기를 치러야 하는 상황이 오고만다. 모스크바에서 홀로 결혼식을 준비하던 나디아는 슬라바가 오지 못할것이라고는 생각지도 못하며 들떠 있다. 길거리에서 만난 소매치기 소년과 그 친구들을 팔치키 축구팀으로 섭외하기 시작한 슬라바는 과연 무사히 모스크바로 가서 결혼식을 치를 수 있을까? (Naver 영화)
Pure Light
Act of Nature
A day from the life of the Muscovite Yuri, who is stuck in a remote, northern village. he should have been back in the city for a long time, and yet he wanders through sad, deserted, autumnal fields and forests. his wife and his best friend force him to return to his usual life. But it seems that Yuri is comprehending something very important. he abandons those he loves and remains one to one with nature. But the world of nature plays by its own rules.
Dead Daughters
Executive Producer
In present-day Moscow ghosts of three little girls killed by their insane mother randomly pick a person to watch over for a three days. If during this "probation period" person's moral standards appear not to be high enough The Daughters then kill him using telekinesis.
The White List
During a nationwide moral panic caused by a recent spike in teenage suicides two federal investigators are sent to a small Russian town to review a cold case involving a suspicious death of a schoolgirl. Initially seeing their task as a mere PR stunt both gradually start to loose their focus as they venture deeper into the paranoid world of conspiracy theories surrounding the case.