Zhu Tong, a primary school student who loves fantasy, suddenly discovers that everything on campus changes into what he imagines, when his bizarre fantasy intertwines with the distress of school life.
During the Southern Song Dynasty, the rivers in the Hanshui River were bandit-fighting, and the imperial court sent out the "Jiangjiang Army" elite chapter cover to serve as a special envoy to inspect the river case. In the investigation, the veteran of the retired military met, and the two established friendship in the misunderstanding. It coincides with the love of the girl, Yu Pei, who was stolen by the river. The two men joined hands to rescue Yu Pei and the abducted child, and the river was stolen and the party was safe.
아내에게 이혼당하고 인도산 정력제를 팔며 근근이 살아가던 ‘청용’에게 비싼 약값을 감당하기 힘들었던 백혈병 환자 ‘뤼서우이’가 찾아와 정품의 20분의 1 가격인 인도산 백혈병 치료제 밀수를 제안한다. 단순히 돈벌이 목적으로 시작했던 일은 환자들에게 점차 희망을 심어주게 되고, ‘청용’은 환자들 사이에서 약의 ‘신’으로 떠오르게 되는데.....