Nathan Furst
출생 : 1978-07-04, Northridge, California, USA
Original Music Composer
두 엘리트 군인에게 떨어진 특별한 임무. 총격과 폭발이 난무하는 사지에서 민간인들을 무사히 호송해야 한다. 성룡, 존 시나 주연 영화.
A group of shark-attack survivors is hunted by a supernatural shark that haunts their dreams.
동계올림픽 국가대표 하키 선수 출신의 '에릭'. 눈 보라 속에 갇혀 시에라 네바다 산맥, 매머드 산에서 완전하게 고립되다! 평균 기온 영하 14℃, 밤이 되면 영하40℃ 라디오, 핸드폰 등의 통신 수신 불가 식량과 물은 전혀 없고 숲속의 굶주린 늑대 뿐… 그가 의지할 수 있는 건 배터리가 떨어지고 있는 라디오, 핸드폰 그리고 스노보드 삶과 죽음, 희망과 절망의 경계에서 비로소 깨어나는 살고자 하는 본능. 가장 강렬한 생존 실화가 시작된다!
A group of lifeguards attempt to kill an atomic shark that is terrorizing the coast of San Diego.
Original Music Composer
라이벌 ‘디노’(도미닉 쿠퍼)와의 레이스에서 사고로 친구를 잃고 누명을 쓴 채 감옥에 수감된 ‘토비’(아론 폴). 그는 가석방과 함께 복수를 계획한다. 바로 슈퍼카를 걸고 벌이는 스트리트 레이스 ‘데 리온’에서 ‘디노’를 꺾고 우승을 차지하는 것이다. 하지만 뉴욕에서 대회가 열리는 샌프란시스코까지의 거리는 4,000km, 남은 시간은 단 이틀뿐이다. 게다가 ‘디노’는 ‘토비’를 잡는 자에게 현상금을 내걸고 경찰들까지 ‘토비’의 뒤를 쫓기 시작하는데!
응급요원 닉(랜디 오튼)은 아내 사라(신디 버스비)와 함께 영화를 보고 나오다가 자동차 사고 현장을 목격한다. 닉은 최선을 다해 한 남자를 구하지만, 다른 차에 타고 있던 여성 피해자의 죽음은 막지 못한다. 그로부터 1년 후, 주지사가 실종되어 뒤숭숭한 가운데 닉은 낯선 전화 한 통을 받는다. 자동차 사고로 아내를 잃은 헬러가 대대적인 복수를 계획하고, 가해자의 목숨을 구했던 닉을 표적으로 삼은 것이다. 헬러는 사라의 목숨을 담보로 12라운드의 게임을 닉에게 제안한다. 정해진 시간 안에 각 라운드의 미션을 통과하기 위해 사투를 벌이던 닉은, 게임 중간에 합류한 토미가 자동차 사고의 가해자이며 실종된 주지사의 아들이라는 사실을 알게 된다. 또한 토미의 음주운전 사고의 형량을 낮추는데 개입했던 판사와 변호사, 형사에게도 헬러가 복수를 감행하고 있음을 확인하는데…
Jennifer and Kevin are childhood best friends who have lived together, platonically, as adults for many years. When Jennifer decides to marry her cheating, manipulative boyfriend, Bryce Kevin has to stop the wedding to protect her from making, what he believes is, a terrible mistake. With a little help from his brother and neighbor Kevin discovers that he and Jennifer are already legally married due to common law, having lived together for seven years and, as such, Jennifer can not marry Bryce.
High school music teacher Beth Landon puts herself on the line when she invites world-famous country singer Jason Keith to perform at her rural town's Strawberry Festival. A one-hit wonder with a horrible rep for cancelling shows and copping an attitude, Jason isn't what Beth's mother, Eileen, considers a reliable musical act for the beloved festival, which she is proudly hosting with her good friend Ruth. Beth, reigning as Strawberry Queen, attempts to stick up for her favorite singer, but when she finally meets Jason face-to-face, it becomes obvious it won't be easy. But behind Jason's rock star image, he's hiding a secret about his past that could turn his tanking career around. Along with his manager Ray, Beth convinces Jason the festival gig is a great way to revitalize his career and win back his audience appeal. As Jason spends more time with Beth, his attitude starts to fade as they each encourage the other to realize their deepest dreams as talented musicians.
Original Music Composer
이 영화는 실제사건을 바탕으로 재구성되었다. 그리고 이 영화 속 등장하는 전략과 전술, 무기는 모두 실제다. 납치된 CIA요원 구출작전에 투입된 최정예 특수부대 네이비 실! 작전 중 알게 된 세계를 위협하는 테러집단을 진압하기 위해 최강 전술과 무기를 동원해 목숨을 건 작전을 시작한다.
수렵감시관은 그의 가족과 함께 한때 살인 악어들의 본거지였던 레이크 플래시드 인근으로 이주한다. 주민들은 이제 살인 악어는 모두 사라지고 평화롭다고 확신하고 있었다. 그러나 장난끼 많은 어린 아들은 새끼 악어를 발겨하고 비밀스럽게 먹이를 주며 키우기 시작한다. 악어들은 아주 빠르게 성장하고 급기야 서서히 인간사냥을 시작하는데....
A rural sheriff (Kevin Sorbo) faces a seemingly impossible battle when he is forced to defend his small town from a demon riding bolts of lightning and causing mayhem.
Original Music Composer
After the death of his father, a former football star reunites with the family that he abandoned years earlier.
Serenity Fall's favorite super sleuth is on the case again! The town is alarmed when a priceless crystal turns up missing. The only suspect seems to be a strange man living in the woods known as Shaman. It's up to Roxy Hunter (Aria Wallace) and her best friend Max to discover the identity of the true thief and recover the precious jewel. Could it be the Shaman? Or is it the person no one would ever suspect? In the tradition of Nancy Drew and Harriet the Spy, here comes the irrepressible Roxy Hunter. In the young sleuth's second adventure, a priceless crystal goes missing on the eve of Serenity Fall's 150th anniversary celebration, leading the entire town to suspect a bizarre recluse known as the Shaman living in the woods. It's up to Roxy and her best friend Max to sort the matter out.
It's Roxy's first Halloween in serenity falls and it looks like it's going to be a bust until Roxy discovers that her classmate Stefan is actually a vampire from Transylvania...or so she thinks. The truth she comes to find is actually much darker.
Music Supervisor
After killing former sheriff Matt Austin's wife and son for revenge, a quest begins. An escaped prisoner shows that he remembers who sent him to do time in jail so long ago. In a small town saloon Austin's mission to locate his family's murderer comes to an end. The pursuit was long and difficult. Upon discovering the killer a gunfight ensues, unfortunately in the crossfire an innocent bystander is shot and injured. Once again the murderer made a quick getaway.
Original Music Composer
After killing former sheriff Matt Austin's wife and son for revenge, a quest begins. An escaped prisoner shows that he remembers who sent him to do time in jail so long ago. In a small town saloon Austin's mission to locate his family's murderer comes to an end. The pursuit was long and difficult. Upon discovering the killer a gunfight ensues, unfortunately in the crossfire an innocent bystander is shot and injured. Once again the murderer made a quick getaway.
Roxy is at it again when, in pursuit of a local journalism award, she brings home a mysterious amnesiac who was found soaking wet outside of the local coffee shop. After ceremoniously naming her ANNIE NONYMOUS, Roxy takes the young lady home and finds that even the most common household item is a complete mystery to Annie. When Annie returns dripping wet from the lake several nights in a row, Roxy determines what is abundantly clear to her, Annie is a mermaid. A mermaid who has to find her way home.
Original Music Composer
A group of passengers plot their escape off a haunted ship to hell.
A fisherman and his family fight to take down a greedy real estate developer who has released toxins into the ocean, turning the area's sharks into bloodthirsty hunters.
Original Music Composer
A young woman named Katherine Alden becomes the unwanted victim of her new handsome next door neighbor Caleb, after her and her husband and son moves to a new town for a fresh start from a robbery.
After moving to an eerie old house in the country, nine-year-old super sleuth Roxy Hunter stumbles into a world filled with unsolved mysterieus, secret plots and spooky spirits! Now, Roxy and her best friend and boy genius Max, must race to save their home, re-unite a lost love and uncover the true villain. Is it the Moody Ghost...or something even spookier?
Original Music Composer
미 북부 뉴잉글랜드주 플래시드 호수. 샘플 채취중이던 환경보호청 직원이 물에 빠져 알 수 없는 거대한 물체에 의해 죽음을 당한다. 동료인 밀스는 곧바로 그 지역 경찰 서장인 라일리에게 알리고, 밀스와 어류 야생 동물청의 에마가 그와 함께 조사를 나간다. 한편 호수에서 물놀이를 하던 일행이 습격을 받고, 라일리의 아들 스콧은 그 지역 젊은이들과 함께 호수 건너편으로 야영을 가는데...
"태고시절 후로스갈 왕이 통치하던 왕국은, 거인 그렌델의 습격으로 멸망의 위기에 처해 있다. 위기를 알게 된 용사 베오울프는 바다를 건너 후로스갈 왕을 방문한다. 베오울프의 지휘 하에 그렌델과의 장렬한 싸움이 시작된다. 베오울프는 그렌델의 약점을 간파하고 한 쪽 팔을 잘라 퇴치한다. 왕국이 환희에 가득 찬 것도 잠깐, 더욱 큰 암운이 왕국에 드리운다. 그렌델의 어미이자 거대한 날개를 가진 야수 허그가 복수심에 불타 습격해 온 것이다. 허그를 쓰러뜨릴 무기는 전설의 검 에일테스 뿐. 베오울프는 왕국의 운명을 짊어지고 최후의 대결에 나선다. "
Original Music Composer
Two millennia ago, a Lybian king has a basilisk (snake-shaped dragon), which petrifies people, subjected to the same fate with a golden scepter during a solar eclipse. Both these and several victims are dug up by modern archaeologist Harrison 'Harry' McColl's expedition. Despite a cryptic warning from tribal locals, everything goes to his Colorado university's museum. It's all exhibited during another eclipse, which leads to the monster reviving. Harry and some of his friends must try to petrify the monster again.
1992년 이집트 카이로. 고고학자 대니 프리몬트는 대학으로 부터 이집트 문학을 재조명하는 일을 맡게 된다. 대니 프리몬트는 이집트 문명 중 고대 이집트를 다스렸던 기록만 유일하게 남아 있을 뿐, 생과 죽음에 대해선 거의 알려지지 않은 인물 투탕크하멘 왕의 생애 및 죽음에 관해 조사하던 중 그의 무덤에 묻혀 있는 에머랄드 현판이 세계를 지배하는 힘을 신비한 지닌 유물임을 알게 된다. 한편, 이러한 생각을 믿는 또 한 사람이 있으니, 악마 숭배집단의 일원인 고고학자 모간 싱클레어이다. 싱클레어는 악마를 불러내는 힘을 얻는 이 현판을 얻기 위해 프리몬트를 집요하게 추적하며 그것을 빼앗으려 한다. 프리몬트는 반신반의 하는 바라켓 박사와 두 친구를 비롯한 최정예의 발굴팀을 조직하여 왕의 무덤과 신비한 힘을 지닌 현판을 찾아 나서는데..
Original Music Composer
Elizabeth Leroy devotes her life to serving God but her faith is tested over the years as she has to overcome many hardships and sorrows.
Original Music Composer
When a volcano expert becomes convinced that a cataclysmic natural disaster is about to unfold, a volcanologist Professor John Shepherd and his graduate students believes that recent unexplainable volcanic activity as all of the volcanoes in the world are going to erupt and kill every living thing on the planet! They try to convince the government that their theory is true not a joke while also trying to figure out how to stop it before time runs out!
Original Music Composer
The Toa Metru return to their glorious city of Metru Nui to finally accomplish their mission, only to find the city in ruins, overrun by the dreaded Visorak horde. Captured by their new enemy and transformed into hideous Toa Hordika, our heroes must find a figure out of myth to be cured of their mutations and fulfill their destiny before the beast within overtakes them.
Original Music Composer
In the time before time, six unlikely Matoran find themselves transformed into mighty Toa. The new Toa Metru must prove themselves as true heroes, find the missing Toa Lhikan, and uncover a plot that threatens the heart of Metru Nui.
Though Eddie's fired right at Christmastime, his boss sends him and his family on a South Pacific vacation, hoping Eddie won't sue him after being bitten by a lab monkey. When the Tuttle family winds up trapped on a tropical island, however, Eddie manages to provide for everyone and prove himself a real man.
Original Music Composer
With darkness encroaching on the island of Mata Nui, the only hope for the survival of the islanders rests with two Matoran villagers, who must find the seventh Toa and deliver to him the fabled Mask of Light.
Original Music Composer
A thrilling, gritty and emotional story of two of history’s most famous lovers, Bonnie Parker, and Clyde Barrow.