Spoof-miester, Julie Brown does a musical send-up of Tonya Harding and Lorena Bobbit's debutante debacles
In this made for Showtime television spoof of Madonna's "Truth or Dare" documentary, comedienne Julie Brown portrays Medusa, an egocentric, hyper-sexual (and not particularly talented) pop star on an international five-day world tour, "The Blonde Leading the Blonde" show. Brown painstakingly duplicates costumes, sets and hairstyles while spoofing Madonna's seeming self-obsession. Madonna visits the cemetery where her mother is buried; Medusa visits the pet cemetery where her dog Buster is laid to rest. (Or is it "Boomer"?) Madonna performs fellatio on a bottle, at the dare of a friend; Medusa does it on a watermelon. And so on...
In this made for Showtime television spoof of Madonna's "Truth or Dare" documentary, comedienne Julie Brown portrays Medusa, an egocentric, hyper-sexual (and not particularly talented) pop star on an international five-day world tour, "The Blonde Leading the Blonde" show. Brown painstakingly duplicates costumes, sets and hairstyles while spoofing Madonna's seeming self-obsession. Madonna visits the cemetery where her mother is buried; Medusa visits the pet cemetery where her dog Buster is laid to rest. (Or is it "Boomer"?) Madonna performs fellatio on a bottle, at the dare of a friend; Medusa does it on a watermelon. And so on...
발레리 데일은 캘리포니아의 샌 페르난도 계곡에 사는 젊고 예쁜 매니큐어리스트. 그녀의 약혼자인 의사 테드 갤러거 박사는 웬일인지 요즘 들어 딴 생각을 할 때가 많아졌다. 발레리는 친구이자 미용실 주인인 캔디 핑크에게 상의하고, 변신을 시도한다. 출장 약속을 취소하고 새로운 모습으로 테드를 기다리던 발레리는 그가 병원의 간호사에게 관심이 있다는 것을 알고 집에서 내쫓아 버린다. 다음날 아침 슬픔에 잠겨 수영하고 있는 발레리의 모습을 지보, 맥, 위플락이라는 외계인들이 비행 접시에서 지켜보다가 정신을 잃는 바람에 우주선이 수영장에 빠져 버린다. 게다가 발레리의 실수로 우주선에 물이 들어가 별 수 없이 물이 마르는 이틀동안 외계인과 함께 보내게 된 발레리는 이들의 털투성이 모습을 감추기 위해 캔디에게 부탁하는데...
In this variety special, Olivia shares the evening with Andy Gibb, Elton John, Ted Knight, Gene Kelly and Toni Tennille. The special included songs from Grease and the Totally Hot album as well as some other artists' covers : the Eagles, Bob Seger, Elton John and Buddy Holly. Olivia also performed a parody of the jazz/blues classic Makin' Whoopee with Gene Kelly, changing the lyrics to Makin' Movies and dealing with Olivia's dream of producing a musical. The show was aired internationally and did very well in the ratings, as did her two previous US television specials on the same network. It is to be noted that Tina Turner's appearance on Olivia's special helped her sign a contract with then Olivia's manager Roger Davies, who ultimately helped her to go back into the spotlight.