Audrey Bauduin

참여 작품

바이 바이
고등학교 졸업 후 줄리앙은 추억은 남겨둔 채 더 멋진 인생을 살기 위해 고향을 떠나 수도로 갔다. 그러던 어느 날, 그는 고향으로 돌아가야 하는 일이 생겼고 페피토 쿠키를 먹자마자 잊었던 추억이 한 번에 떠오른다.
Not a Word
Alice is a victim of sexual abuse, and like many victims, lived in silence for years, ashamed, tortured by guilt, afraid to reveal the truth. When Alice starts reading from her teenage diary she finally summons enough courage to confront the man she holds responsible for her suffering.
Marseille, to the Moon and Back
It's the summer holidays in Marseille. Rania and Samara fool around in their ‘hood’, trying not to think about September and the start of the school year. They want to stay small forever, and live together on the Moon.
No summer camp this year for 13-year-old Vivian and Max because of the imminent closure of the factory where their parents are working. But Vivian has a plan to make money and allow them to go to the camp anyway. Accompanied by Tom, their childhood friend, they will run into a race against time.