Greg Crowe

Greg Crowe

출생 : 1965-03-13, Yokosuka, Japan


Greg Crowe was born at the US Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, Japan. But because of the International Dateline, he is never absolutely certain when exactly he should celebrate his birthday when in the US. Greg's father was an NCO in the Navy, and his family moved to San Diego, California before Greg was a year old. In the summer in which he was five years old, his family moved to Maryland, where he spent the remainder of his formative years. Greg only relatively recently realized he wanted to be an actor when he grew up (whenever that might be). In the last few years he has played everything from a corrupt senator to a quirky coworker to a nerdy boyfriend to an angry, angry squirrel. His favorite roles are ones that test his abilities and push them farther than he thought possible.

프로필 사진

Greg Crowe
Greg Crowe

참여 작품

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에이스 그레이드
Principal McDaniels
취미는 유튜브 동영상 올리기. 학교에선 가장 조용한 학생. 친구는 별로 없고 성격은 내성적. 고등학교 진학을 앞두고 걱정이 많은 편. 모든 것에 조금씩 서툰 8학년 사춘기 여학생의 중학교 시절 마지막 한 주를 담은 이야기.
Johnny the Mechanic
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