Rodney Musso

참여 작품

뿌리 없는 정원
조지아 해안선 곳곳의 마을에서 백 년 넘게 자생해온 나무들은 15층 건물 높이에 다다를 만큼 울창하고 아름답다. 한 익명의 남자가 개인 정원을 가꾸기 위해 돈과 권력을 이용해 이 오래된 나무들을 사들인다. 거대한 나무들을 캐내고 이동하는 과정에서 마을 환경은 엉망이 되고 풍경은 기이하게 조각나며 주민들은 그 고통을 감수해야 한다. 영화는 이러한 과정을 따라가면서 오늘날 조지아 사회가 필요로 하는 것과 추구하는 가치를 묘사한다. 더불어 더 이상 은유가 아니게 된 '뿌리 뽑기'라는 행위를 통해 강제 이주에 관해 반추한다. (서울환경영화제)
La séparation des traces
Essay on the epic story of an ordinary man, a filmmaker, born in the beginning of the Second World War. From 1942 to 2016, his personal story and the world history, the history of his films, of cinema and the images that inspired him. Life and creation entangled, untangled, intertwined, jostled together. From his childhood to his first steps as an artist. From the distant war to the war against everyone, from the dreamed revolution to the consumer society that ruins your dreams like Coca Cola dissolves your bones.
The Miracle of Tekir
In the heart of the Danube Delta, superstition and religion are mixed together, like the earth and water that make up the mysterious mud from Tekir’s area, not far away. Chased away from her village because of her mysterious pregnancy, Mara finds herself employed at the Europa Hotel, providing treatment for infertile women using this miraculous mud. As she meets the rich and eccentric Mrs. Lili, Mara questions her beliefs and intuitions. The relationship between the two women is the key of the miracle of Tekir, between magic and power, tradition and modernity.
Color Grading
How are biographies charted? How is identity constructed? Can we relive our past, reinvent it, rearrange or recycle it? Can we really know who we are if we ignore where do we come from?