Hardy Krüger Jr.
출생 : 1968-05-09, Lugano - Switzerland
Blue Hour. The day slowly says goodbye to the night - but still defends itself a little. Steph enters Rick's boxing stall in Berlin-Wedding. She is insecure, wild, frustrated - and yet determined. She craves recognition. Through rick. The gym operator, former heavyweight boxer from Boston. It was equipped with everything a champ needs. And is now broken. Seriously injured, worn down, disaffected, sick early on. She can do a lot, but not really. He can't do much anymore, but he realizes all the more. Above all, their energy, their will, their talent. That night, two soul mates are found. Without them knowing.
Florian Fischer
Since the separation of his wife Katja, the architect Florian only sees his two daughters Anna and Sophie every other weekend. While he is looking for a solution to intensify the contact with the children, the doctor Katja tries to get the double burden of work and maternity duty better under control. As she falls in love again and wants to emigrate to Sweden, there is a bitter dispute. Florian sees his rights disregarded as a father, Katja feels constrained by its new claims in their life planning. In court, both want to enforce their interests
Toni Costa
Ibiza police commissioner Toni Costa cancels his holiday, a rare chance to be with his daughter, to investigate the stabbing murder of the sous-chef in José Arrabal's reputed restaurant. Costa finds, just in time to save stealing uniformed cop Manolo's kids, that this was a collateral killing, because he was in the way for another murder by poisoned dessert at Arrabal's wedding to gold-digger Carmen. Arrabal leans on his fiend the police chief to close the case, but Costa rightly suspects more crimes and digs on for possible motives concerning restaurant rating blackmail, infidelity and old grudges. Written by KGF Vissers
Dr. Max Carrasin
Toni Costa
Main subject of Serengeti is the mass migration of wildebeest , which in search of nutritious grass hundreds of kilometers annually by the savannah draw. At the end of the rainy season, they break into a huge herd of over a million animals on the north. The wildebeest and other animals are joining the migration, as zebras and gazelles , continuously exposed to hazards, particularly by predators such as lions and cheetahs . A highlight of the great migration, the crossing of the Mara is: There, the wildebeest have to overcome not only meter high cliffs, they are also crocodiles delivered. With the onset of the rainy season, however, leave the wildebeest north again what had long been a mystery. The reason for this is that the grass in the north a phosphorus deficiency , and said thus wildebeest forces to retreat to the south.
Martin Wagner
Maria Berger is an attorney who lives alone and delivered to her work since her divorce. One day her sister Clara tells her that she is going to marry a young lyricist of songs from Thailand. Maria tries to dissuade her sister, but she is so in love with her fiancé that celebrates the marriage against the wishes of Maria.
Lukas Haller
Patrick von Halen
David Inchelvie
Michael Bender
Jakob Goltz
Journalist Jakob Goltz visits his parents at Bodenee for the first time in many years. The encounter with his hard-hearted mother Jonah tears up old wounds in Jacob, who has only sad memories of his childhood. When his wife Madlon plunges into an affair with Jonas estate manager Rudolf, Jacob's worst fears seem to be reaffirmed: All those who are close to his mother become unhappy. But Jakob does not suspect that Jonah has a sad secret in him
Werner v. Haeften
2차 세계대전 막바지에 전쟁광 히틀러의 무모한 전쟁 시도와 양민학살에 분개한 독일군 장교슈타우펜베르그는 그와 뜻을 같이하는 동료들과 함께 히틀러 암살 계획을 세우기 시작한다. 무사히 히틀러 집회장에 폭약이 든 가방을 들고 들어가 히틀러 옆자리에 폭약 가방을 두고 연회장을 빠져 나온 후 계획대로 폭발음과 함께 들것에 실려 나가는 히틀러의 사망을 확인한 후 그는 동지들과 함께 새로운 지도체제를 구성하고 새로운 정부 수립을 위한 작전에 돌입하지만.. 사망했다고 생각한 히틀러가 목숨을 건지게 되고, 히틀러를 암살하려던 계획은 실패로 돌아가고 그는 결국 체포되어 처형되고 만다.
A love triangle between a businessman, his wife, and a writer.
Mike Riegler / Jack Farnberg
Frank Wagner
Jonathan Harker
Headed by the brash young American investment banker Jonathan Barker and his fiancée Mina, a group of young adventurers are seeking new opportunities in Budapest. When the mysterious Count Tepes summons Jonathan to his castle in Romania for an important deal, little does the banker know what horror he is about to unleash upon the world.
Jonas Schmidt
The star reporter of a Berlin lifestyle magazine announces job and apartment to go with the married advertising boss of their newspaper to Paris, where a dream career as an editor of a prestigious fashion store awaits them. But when the lover lets the pregnant woman sit, who then neither gets the job in Paris nor can return to her old editorial office, the homeless career woman suddenly finds herself in the black.
Eric Westbrook
In the near future crime rates are at an all time high. The government counters this development with a new prison: The Vortex. Innocent citizen Vincent is sent there, after he killed a man who tried to rob him in self-defense. In the Vortex everybody has to commit their crime over and over again. Vincents first victim is his neighbour Carl.
Plant Manager
In this science fiction thriller, David Whitman (William Hurt) is a chemist who lost his wife and child in a freak accident and is trying to rebuild his life on his own. While doing research, Whitman discovers a series of mysterious deaths that seem to follow in the path of Joseph Mueller (Peter Weller), a seemingly ordinary man who works as a security guard. Unknown to Mueller, his body carries a strange contaminant that's deadly to many people, and Whitman is desperate to find Mueller and stop him before he can cause more deaths.
Those who follow a voice aren't crazy. They're in love.
Iwan Ogareff
Ever since the death of his wife, the famous and once highly-respected general Michael Strogoff has fallen steadily into a state of decrepitude.
줄리어스 시저의 로마군들이 전 유럽을 함락시키며 승승장구할 때 조그만 갈리아 마을이 그들의 길을 막는다. 체구는 외소하지만 영리한 아스테릭스(크리스티앙 클라비에)는 갈리아 마을의 모든 문제를 해결해주는 만능 재주꾼이다. 그의 절친한 친구이며 어릴 적 마법사의 신비한 물약 단지에 빠져 엄청난 힘을 갖고 있는 오벨릭스(제라르 드파르듀)는 아름다운 팔 발라를 짝사랑하는 로맨티스트다. 갈리아 마을과 대치하고 있던 로마군 막사에 시저와 그의 부하 데트리투스가 찾아오고 데투리투스는 우연히 마법사가 만든 물약을 마시면 엄청난 괴력을 발휘한다는 사실을 알게 되어 시저를 몰아내고 세계를 지배하려는 음모를 꾸민다. 그러던 어느날 마법사 파라믹스는 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스의 보호를 받으며 마법의 숲에 정기 모임을 참석하러 가는 도중 함정에 빠저 로마군에게 납치되어 어쩔 수 없이 마법의 물약을 만들어 준다. 이 사실을 알고 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스는 마법사를 구하지만 마법의 물약을 손에 넣은 테트리투스 부대에 의해 마을이 점령당할 위기에 처한다. 마을이 위험에 빠진 순간에 마을을 구하기 위해 마법사는 이제껏 해보지 않은 슈퍼 울트라 마술 물약을 제조하여 아스테릭스와 오벨릭스에게 마시게 한다.
Nick Tiedemann
Andreas Nabholz
Dr. Florian Vollmer
Thomas Hermann