Kathryn Millard

참여 작품

After the Facts
In the early years of cinema, editors were usually women. This short documentary looks at how they wielded power, and how their work was made invisible.
쇼크룸: 밀그램의 실험
1960년대 심리학자 스탠리 밀그램은 나치의 유대인 학살을 이해하기 위해, ‘복종’을 주제로 한 다양한 실험을 전개한다. 사람들은 타인에게 고통스러운 전기 충격을 가하라는 명령을 받는다. 밀그램은 이 실험에서 우리 대부분이 명령에 복종할 것이라고 주장하지만, 과연 그럴까? 세계적으로 알려진 이 심리학 실험을 통해, 영화는 인간 본성의 어두운 면을 조망하고, 우리는 과연 어떻게 행동할 것인가를 질문한다. EIDF 2015 월드 쇼케이스 출품작
Random 8
A blend of fiction and historical evidence, RANDOM 8 explores issues raised by several famous psychological experiments, including the work of Stanley Milgram at Yale University in the 1960s who studied human obedience to orders, even when the orders were "immoral" or caused pain to others.
Random 8
A blend of fiction and historical evidence, RANDOM 8 explores issues raised by several famous psychological experiments, including the work of Stanley Milgram at Yale University in the 1960s who studied human obedience to orders, even when the orders were "immoral" or caused pain to others.
The Boot Cake
Charlie Chaplin is a saint to earthquake survivors in a small desert town in India and they are throwing him a birthday party. Australian filmmaker Kathryn Millard is taking the cake - a chocolate truffle sponge shaped like the Tramp's boot.
Travelling Light
Set in the early 70s, Travelling Light follows the story of two sisters growing up in surburban Adelaide.
Travelling Light
Set in the early 70s, Travelling Light follows the story of two sisters growing up in surburban Adelaide.
Rosie returns to her home city on the death of her father, a former policeman. His diaries hint at corruption, and she also receives hints and veiled threats which support her suspicions. Rosie puzzles about who he was, and about her early life and relationship to him.
Rosie returns to her home city on the death of her father, a former policeman. His diaries hint at corruption, and she also receives hints and veiled threats which support her suspicions. Rosie puzzles about who he was, and about her early life and relationship to him.