미국 최대의 낙태 클리닉 가족계획연맹에서 8년간 상담사로 일하며 최연소 소장에 오른 ‘애비’ 낙태 경험자로서 자신과 같은 기로에 선 여성들을 돕는다는 사명감을 갖고 성실히 일한다. 하지만 처음으로 수술실에 들어가게 된 날, 지금까지의 신념을 송두리째 뒤바꿀 장면을 목격하게 되는데…
Brian Owens was once a prominent professor of quantum mechanics until an accident stripped him of his credentials; he now teaches at a community college. In order to reclaim his stature, he is trying to build the world's first teleportation machine in his garage at night. All of this while being romantically pursued by one of the art professors at the college, avoiding the crazy old lady next door, and being harassed by the loan sharks he borrowed money from to build his machine. But his biggest problem is he can't get his machine to work.