Long-awaited sequel to the 1995 film. A young British Asian, Mo is a fast-rising police officer who goes under cover infiltrating Shadwell's resurgent hooligan element, who are fired up by Shadwells's takeover by a Russian oligarch and their unlikely adventure into European competition. Mo quickly becomes embroiled in the local schism between the BNP and EDL and plans to build a new mosque in the shadow of the Shadwell ground creates an explosive environment in which football and political violence form a perfect storm of social unrest. In the midst of this, Mo is faced with the essential existential question of of who he really is and where he really belongs. It's 20 years on and clever Trevor is now chief super, but what happens to the rest of the gang?
Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and his team arrive in Three Pines to solve the unusual murder of a much-loved woman and find dark secrets shadowing this usually peaceful village.
2nd Night Nurse
The film centres on the experiences of Robert Lawrence MC (played by Colin Firth), an officer of the Scots Guards during the Falklands War of 1982. While fighting at the Battle of Mount Tumbledown, Lawrence is shot in the head by an Argentine sniper, and left paralysed on his left side. He then must learn to adjust to his new disability.
Hayley's Friend
마이크 리의 다른 초기작들처럼 저소득층 가족을 다루고 있는데 90년대 이후의 작품들처럼 유려하게 흘러가진 않는다. 다소 거친편이며 무엇보다 유머가 없다.
가족은 물론 주위의 친지들까지 무례하고 천박함의 바닥을 보여주는데 이들의 성정이 그렇다 보니 비난과 책임회피로 가득하다. 하층민일 수록 가정에 불화는 더 만연하다는 것을 여과없이 드러내고 있는 작품.