Hepburn Graham

참여 작품

Escape From Kampala
Chief SRB Man
The true story of a daring prison break. Wycliffe Kato, Director of Civil Aviation in Idi Amin's Uganda was at the airport to catch a flight to Canada for a conference when he was arrested by Amin's secret police, members of the notorious Sate Research Bureau, and thrown into the Nakasero prison. This should have meant certain death, but, along with his cell mates, army officers who had come under suspicion of organizing a coup, he escaped and made it on foot to Nairobi. This TV movie is based on Wycliffe Kato's own account in his book "Escape From Idi Amin's Slaughterhouse".
The Rachel Papers
Poised to attend Oxford University, 19-year-old Charles Highway decides it's high time to have a romantic encounter with an older woman. With the help of a computer program and several eccentric relatives, Highway sets his sights on seducing Rachel Noyce, a stunning American in her 20s. However, Highway has his work cut out for him. Noyce has a boyfriend, DeForest, and is not exactly receptive to Highway's advances — at first, anyway.
The Firm
A seemingly respectable estate agent leads a double life as the head of a vicious, well-organised gang of football hooligans.
화려한 사기꾼
English Sailor #2
프랑스의 어느 휴양지. 사기꾼 로렌스와 프레디는 휴양지라는 영역을 걸고 내기를 한다. 이제 막 휴양지에 도착한 자네트를 상대로 5만 달러를 누가 먼저 뜯어내는가 하는. 지는 사람은 휴양지를 떠나는 조건이다.
Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked and he finds himself all alone on a tropical island. With a few tools he manages to rescue from the wreck he has to learn to support himself until help arrives.
마이크 리의 다른 초기작들처럼 저소득층 가족을 다루고 있는데 90년대 이후의 작품들처럼 유려하게 흘러가진 않는다. 다소 거친편이며 무엇보다 유머가 없다. 가족은 물론 주위의 친지들까지 무례하고 천박함의 바닥을 보여주는데 이들의 성정이 그렇다 보니 비난과 책임회피로 가득하다. 하층민일 수록 가정에 불화는 더 만연하다는 것을 여과없이 드러내고 있는 작품.