Svetlana Kosolapova

참여 작품

My Good Hans
It is a story about the Soviet worker Pyotr and the German engineer Hans, who came to the USSR before the war on a business trip. At a Soviet plant the German team works in cooperation with Russian specialists. Once Hans makes a mistake which causes the explosion of the furnace and human losses. Hans finds himself at the mercy of Pyotr, the only witness to his actions near the furnace. Pyotr also depends on Hans, because Pyotr’s very presence near the furnace entails accusation of subversive actions and a death sentence. Mutual suspicion gives way to silent sympathy and later friendship. They even look like each other, both have small children. Pyotr secretly leaves the town with his family but Hans feels loss rather that relief at the disappearance of the embarrassing witness.
1941: 세바스토폴 상륙작전
Anya Filipchuk
1942년 미국 국제 학생대회에서 루즈벨트 영부인의 시선을 사로잡은 한 러시아 군인. 어리고 왜소한 모습이었지만, 치열했던 1941년의 세바스토폴 전역에서 활약하고 살아남은 러시아의 전쟁영웅, 백발백중의 스나이퍼였다. 2차세계대전의 역사를 바꾼 한 명의 스나이퍼의 이야기가 지금 펼쳐진다!