Boaz Frankel

참여 작품

Mika 2300
In the heart of the desert lives calf 2300 and dreams of becoming a princess.
Mika 2300
In the heart of the desert lives calf 2300 and dreams of becoming a princess.
That's the Way You Love
amara, a successful career woman, lives in a world of high expectations and perfect performances. When she gives birth to her first daughter, the change shakes her world, altering the power dynamics in Tamara and her husband's marriage and sex life. While she struggles to maintain her place at work, their intimacy becomes more and more demanding. But Tamara continues the race, crossing her own boundaries again and again. She is torn between her many roles-as a motherwife, and career woman. When her home becomes a battlefield, Tamara realizes she is a queen trapped in her own castle.
A pink swan floats across a turquoise pool, against the desert. It’s Dana’s bachelorette party. A chance encounter with Hamis, an African asylum seeker, will bring the girls face to face with an uncomfortable truth.
저주받은 자들
이스라엘의 '지바티 여단'은 새로운 지역의 탐사를 수행하고, '토머'와 '마카쉬'는 현장 취재를 온 IDF 대변인인 '아비브'와 팀을 이뤄 옛 베두인족의 정착지였던 지역을 탐사한다. 하지만 아들을 찾는 미스테리한 여인의 등장과 함께 정체를 알 수 없는 꼬마와 개가 나타나고, 세 명에게는 설명할 수 없는 이상한 일들이 일어나는데...
Kilometer 147
A camel's body lies in the middle of a desert road, exactly on the 147th kilometer, on the border between two settlements. None of them agrees to take responsibility for it.
Kilometer 147
A camel's body lies in the middle of a desert road, exactly on the 147th kilometer, on the border between two settlements. None of them agrees to take responsibility for it.
Kilometer 147
A camel's body lies in the middle of a desert road, exactly on the 147th kilometer, on the border between two settlements. None of them agrees to take responsibility for it.
Voice Over
Fifty years after Slow Down by Avraham Heffner won a prize at Venice Film Festival, top alumni of the Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film School challenge the 1968 legendary black and white
Another nearly-ordinary winter day in the life of 64-year-old Doron, director of a municipal home for the aged: the rain is pouring, someone nabbed his reserved parking spot, and Bela Schorr, occupant of Room 212, passed away that morning.