Chang Chung-Kui

참여 작품

Robber in the supermarket
홍콩 신흥 암흑가의 두목 단목! 그는 무술과 칼솜씨의 달인인 자신의 오른팔 차오를 시켜 죽음에 진혼곡의 음악과 함께 반란의 기미가 보이는 조직의 형제들을 무참히 살해한다. 17년전 홍콩의 유명한 고고학자인 강교수가 고대유물인 선조의 보물을 빼앗으려는 사실을 눈치채고 자신의 세자녀에게 비밀의 옥목걸이를 3등분 하여주고 그는 암흑조직에 의해 처절한 죽음을 당한다.
Deadly Duo
Seeking revenge for the murder of his family, a man returns to Hong Kong to track down the killers. He becomes enthralled in further intrigue when his new boss is targeted by the same group.
Bruce Vs. Bill
The two fighters of the title clash due to a gang boss playing them off against each other. The boss is hoping to steal a million dollars of the country's money, and when the two fighters realise this they combine forces to defeat the gangster, and his accomplice, a man whom they had both formerly respected.
Night of the Assassins
The swords never stop flying in this action-packed old school hit! Master Wu (Ko Keung from "Fatal Flying Guillotines"), after refusing to help the king continue his war, fights off a regiment of guards attempting to take him by force. Unfortunately, he cannot save his brother, but he can get revenge! Master Wu embarks on his journey for revenge and is joined by David Chiang ("Slice Of Death", "Challenge Of The Shaolin Masters"). Ninjas, gap-toothed kings, and a sword-wielding army are just a few of the obstacles Master Wu must overcome on his revenge quest.
Night of the Assassins
Martial Arts Choreographer
The swords never stop flying in this action-packed old school hit! Master Wu (Ko Keung from "Fatal Flying Guillotines"), after refusing to help the king continue his war, fights off a regiment of guards attempting to take him by force. Unfortunately, he cannot save his brother, but he can get revenge! Master Wu embarks on his journey for revenge and is joined by David Chiang ("Slice Of Death", "Challenge Of The Shaolin Masters"). Ninjas, gap-toothed kings, and a sword-wielding army are just a few of the obstacles Master Wu must overcome on his revenge quest.
Monkey Kung Fu
A lowly waiter is determined to learn kung fu from the local barber who just happens to be a kung fu master.
1940년 일제 지배 하의 대만, 주인공 아룡은 도둑질을 일삼으며 살아가다 우연히 쌍절곤이 든 상자를 발견한다. 아룡은 쌍절곤을 돌려주기 위해 정무관이라는 무술 단체를 찾아가고, 도장의 딸 려아에게 무술을 배울 것을 권유 받지만 거절한다. 얼마 후 정무관은 일본인 오카모도가 이끄는 대화문에 의해 명패가 부서지는 모욕을 당한다. 이를 목격한 아룡은 부서진 명패를 재건한 후 려아에게 본격적으로 무술을 배운다. 한편 정무관이 중국의 독립단체와 관련이 있다는 사실을 알게 된 일본 경찰은 오카모도를 내세워 정무관을 없앨 음모를 꾸민다. 이에 아룡은 도장의 명예를 걸고 오카모도와 맞서 싸우는데...