영화의 주인공인 정신과 의사 야마모토는 60년대 일본 정신병원 개방을 위한 운동을 이끌었다. 82세의 나이로 그는 갑작스레 임상 분야에서 물러나 그동안 그의 가장 큰 조력자였던 아내 요시코를 돌보기 위한 시간을 내려고 한다. 이른 봄, 야마모토 부부는 지금껏 직면하지 못한 도전을 마주하며 새로운 삶을 시작한다.
일본 세토 내해 작은 마을 우시마도에는 마지막 남은 어부 중 한 명인 와이짱이 있다. 86세의 나이에도 그는 홀로 작은 배로 낚시를 하며 생계를 이어 나간다. 흑백 이미지 속 몽환적인 분위기의 세토 내해는 황혼기에 접어든 마을과 주민들을 시적으로 묘사한다.
In the Japanese town of Ushimado, the shortage of labor is a serious problem due to its population’s rapid decline. Traditionally, oyster shucking has been a job for local men and women, but for a few years now, some of the factories have had to use foreigners in order to keep functioning. Hirano oyster factory has never employed any outsiders but finally decides to bring in two workers from China. Will all the employees get along?
In response to the Fukushima disaster, Yama-san is running an election campaign with an anti-nuclear message. But unlike last time, he has no money, no machine, no nothing. Does he even stand a chance? On March 11, 2011, Japan experienced one of the most calamitous nuclear disasters in history. But in two national elections following the accident, the pro-nuclear Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) achieved landslide victories, gaining control of the two parliaments. Why? 'Campaign 2' by Kazuhiro Soda observes a small local election right after the disaster and gives insight into this difficult question, presenting a microcosm of Japan's political-psychological landscape.
Oriza Hirata is Japan's leading playwright and director, who runs his own theatrical company, Seinendan. Theatre 2 (Observational Film Series #4) examines the dynamic relationship between theatre and the society through depicting Hirata's activities. In order for his art and his not-so-commercial company to survive this highly capitalistic modern society, what kind of strategy does Hirata have and practice?
Theatre 1 (Observational Film Series #3) is a feature length documentary, which closely depicts the world of Oriza Hirata, Japan's leading playwright and director, and his theatrical company, Seinendan. By depicting them, the film leads the audience to revisit fundamental but timely questions: What is theatre? Why do human beings act?
평화란 무엇인가? 공존이란 무엇인가? 그리고 그 둘은 어디에서 비롯되는가? 삶과 죽음, 수용과 거부가 뒤섞인 일본 오카야마 주민들과 고양이의 일상을 바라보며 이러한 질문을 고민하는 시각적 에세이 형식의 관찰 다큐.
일본에 위치한 외래 정신과 치료소 코랄 오카야마. 그 복잡 미묘한 세계 속에는 의사, 환자, 직원, 자원 봉사자, 방문간호사 등이 한 데 어우러져 있다.
Late at night, a Japanese businessman enters a pizza shop and observes strange but typical New Yorkers, eating their pizza in their own queer ways. The businessman makes fun of them, believing he is the only one that is normal person there. However, it soon becomes apparent that he is no less strange than them.