Camera Operator
카자흐스탄이 소련으로부터 독립한 혼돈과 암흑의 1990년대에 신생 독립국가에서는 사회주의 이데올로기가 차지하던 자리를 자본이 대신했다. 급속한 자본화 과정에서 희망을 찾지 못한 청소년들은 약물에 빠져들었다. 영화는 산자르와 자가가 어떻게 약물 중독의 세계에 빠지고, 비극적인 결과를 맞이하는지를 보여준다. 인간이 소리를 인지할 수 있는 주파수의 한계인 18KHz가 의미하듯이, 약물로 인해 더욱 고통스런 현실을 맞이한 산자르가 택할 수 있는 탈출구는 주위 사람들과 일체의 대화를 거부하는 것이다. 산자르가 겪고 있는 비극적인 현실은 그가 꾸는 겹겹이 포개진 꿈으로써 더욱 강조된다.
Director of Photography
When Kanat hits the bottom, still living with his mother at 40 passed, stuck mid level in his bank job, fantasizing from afar on girls, the unexpected encounter with his evil half, longtime friend Daniyar makes him take a moral u turn and his life takes a plunge in the dark.
Director of Photography
A story that spans three periods in Kazakh history, it links mid 19th century struggles against the Russians to two 20th century episodes revolving around the fate of former political prisoner Ermukhan Bekmakhanov, who was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for writing historical books about Kazakh national hero Kenesary Kasymov and his national liberation movement.
Director of Photography
"Fiery River" traces socialization and personhood development of the future nation’s leader, describing the epoch in which it took place, mostly the 50-60s last century.
Director of Photography
“Iron Mountain” traces socialization and personhood development of the future nation’s leader, describing the epoch in which it took place, mostly the 50-60s last century.
Director of Photography
Bakha, Sasha and Ruslan are best friends and they're constantly being bullied at school. Bakha wants to get stronger to fight hooligans and earn some respect in the neighborhood.
Director of Photography