James Hyland

James Hyland

프로필 사진

James Hyland

참여 작품

플럭스 고메
After Dinner Voice
시골의 한적한 마을에 위치한 고풍스러운 건물에 ‘소닉 케이터링’이라는 이상한 예술가 그룹이 거주하고 있다. 음식을 만들 때 나오는 여러 가지 소리를 취합해 일종의 예술적인 퍼포먼스를 펼치는 이 그룹은, 총 3명으로 구성되어 있다. 자신의 예술적 신념을 누구와도 타협하지 않는 엘르, 그런 그녀에게 항상 휘둘려 다니는 라미나, 그리고 공연에 필요한 여러 잡다한 일을 맡고 있는 남자 빌리. 하지만 깐깐하기만 한 엘르가 그룹의 창시자인 잰의 의견을 사사건건 무시하게 되고, 거기에 ‘소닉 케이터링’의 모든 것을 기록하는 저널리스트 스톤즈까지 연루되면서 이들의 예술적 여정은 난관에 부딪히게 된다.
The Impatient Man Who Made His Life Considerably Shorter
When his compressed gas keyboard cleaner does not arrive on time, Mr. Guthrert Vratrol decides to take matters into his own impatient hands, rapidly hastening his own demise.
The Impatient Man Who Made His Life Considerably Shorter
Mr. Guthrert Vatrol
When his compressed gas keyboard cleaner does not arrive on time, Mr. Guthrert Vratrol decides to take matters into his own impatient hands, rapidly hastening his own demise.
The Chippie
Lead Police Officer
There have always been rumors about the local fast-food joint and its shady owner. When a child goes missing, a young boy musters up his courage and decides to check it out.
The Sound
A young girl is desperate to discover the source of the mysterious sound that is plaguing her mother.
Dr. Sam
Welcome To Britannia. Together We Stand Alone.
The Cake Maker
The Cake Maker is a comedy-thriller centred around one woman, Roxy, and the men in her life. Matt bakes for his Boss, nightclub owner Frank, and occasionally works as a lookout on the street. Roxy is a prostitute who does a runner after a business disagreement. Boss wants her found and sends Rick, his right hand man, to do the searching with henchmen Aristotle and Max in tow. None of the lookouts have seen her, it's as if she's vanished. Everyone's looking for Roxy whilst Matt keeps his head down and Roxy hidden in his flat.