Elena Markova

출생 : 1981-01-18,

참여 작품

Money. Revenge
The main characters are approximately 35–40 years old, some are already firmly on their feet, have a business, a fortune, others are struggling to survive, getting into debt. And someone, wanting to easily and quickly earn big money and show off his classmates, becomes an accomplice in a criminal scheme.
The story about 40-year-old Vasily, who has been trying to find for more than 20 years happiness in the city. When coming back home to the village, he understands that his already nobody waits and nobody wants it already.
Our Winter
A married couple who have lived together for 10 years decide to divorce. They both understand that divorce is the only way out of a stretched failed marriage, where each of them believes that they have not fully realized their potential and that divorce will give impetus to a new life and forgotten dreams.
The Sun Above Me Never Sets
Having quarreled with his father Altan goes to work in the North. He will have to spend a month alone on a deserted island. But soon a neighbor appears. He is old Baibal who has come to the island to spend the last days of his life there. He asks Altan to bury him next to his wife. But the guy finds out that long ago the old man’s daughter went missing. He talks the old man into publishing an entertainment blog to find his daughter and put of the man’s death. Every day Altan does his best to stimulate the old man to live another beautiful day.
Kerel. Invisible Beauty
Kerel is the name of a young singer making her first steps on the professional stage. Aital is a simple village guy who composes songs. Fate brought them together for a short Yakut summer, and they fell in love with each other. It would seem that nothing can interfere with their happiness. But suddenly these relationships disrupt the plans of others and loved ones, because Kerel is incredibly beautiful, and Aital has been absolutely blind since childhood
Scared Woman
집에서는 자상한 남편이자 아버지인 자크는 사실상 가족을 속인 채 20여 년 동안이나 나토의 최정예 비밀 요원으로 활동하는 인물이다. 생일을 맞아 7년만에 가족과 함께 휴가를 보내던 자크는 갑작스런 나토의 긴급 호출을 받게 되고 슬로바키아의 화학 연구소에서 화학무기를 빼낸 러시아 여인 갈리나를 프랑크푸르트까지 안전하게 이송하라는 중책이 맡겨진다. 이러한 사정을 알지 못하는 가족들의 서운함을 뒤로 한 채 슬로바키아로 떠나고, 그는 갈리나를 만나 예정된 스케줄에 맞춰 화학무기 'SP43'을 비밀리에 수송할 기차에 오른다. 예약해 놓은 특실 침대칸으로 이동한 자크와 갈리나는 누군가의 노크 소리에 문을 열고 자크는 자신의 생일을 축하하기 위해 케익과 선물을 들고 서 있는 가족들의 모습에 깜짝 놀란다. 그리고 가족들은 여자와 단둘이 침대칸에 있는 자크의 모습에 실망하고 만다. 가족들에게 자신의 신분을 감추고 있던 자크는 이를 해명조차 할 수 없어 답답하기만 한데 설상가상으로 악명 높은 테러리스트가 나타나 열차를 장악하고 'SP43'을 탈취하기 위해 승객들의 생명을 담보로 한 인질극을 벌이는데.