Mike Bell

Mike Bell

출생 : 1971-03-18, Poughkeepsie, New York, USA

사망 : 2008-12-14


Mike Bell was an American professional wrestler who worked for the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) as Mike "Mad Dog" Bell. He is the brother of Mark Bell. Professional wrestling career Bell worked as a jobber for the WWF during the early 1990s and appeared on Monday Night Raw. He, however, never had a contract with the company. He later worked with ECW and appeared at the Mid-Hudson Civic Center. Bell was well known amongst the wrestling community after an incident with professional wrestler Perry Saturn during a dark match in the WWF. During the match, Bell attempted a snapmare armdrag on Perry, which left Perry concussed. Perry instinctively began kicking Bell and then threw him out of the ring, causing Bell to land on his head. Bell sustained a heavy injury to his neck. Saturn then proceeded to throw Bell into a set of metal stairs, further injuring him. Personal life Bell, who had a history with substance abuse, was featured in the documentary Bigger, Stronger, Faster along with his two brothers. On December 14, 2008, he was found dead at a rehabilitation facility in Costa Mesa, California. Bell was 37 years old.

프로필 사진

Mike Bell

참여 작품

슈퍼히어로의 진실
뽀빠이, 헐크 호간, 람보, 록키, 터미네이터 그리고 캡틴 아메리카까지. 왜 사람들은 그들만이 악의 무리로부터 우리를 구할 것이라 믿었을까. 어느 누구도 대적할 수 없었던 것은 그들의 단단한 근육질 몸이 나쁜 놈들을 꼼짝달싹 못하게 했기 때문은 아니었을까. 그런데, 만약 영웅들의 파워 생성의 근원지인 근육들이 스테로이드라는 약물로 무럭무럭 자라난 거라면... 과연 우리는 그들을 영웅이라고 할 수 있을까?
ECW Fan Cam: December 15, 2000
Mike Bell
December 15, 2000 from The Madhouse of The Extreme in Queens, New York
ECW Fan Cam: November 11, 2000
Mike Bell
November 11, 2000 from The Mid-Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie, New York
ECW Fan Cam: November 10, 2000
Mike Bell
November 10, 2000 from The Sportsplex in Schenectady, New York