Amala tells the story of the Dalai Lama’s younger sister Jetsun Pema, her struggles, loss and success that earned her the epithet Amala or ‘mother’. Using rare footage from her historic visit to Tibet in 1980, the film also gives insight on the state of education inside Tibet. After her sister died, she took charge of the Nursery for Tibetan Refugee Children in a small town in northern India. Under her leadership, the nursery transformed into one of the most successful Tibetan refugee schools – the Tibetan Children’s Village schools (TCV).
In his new film, Erwin Wagenhofer is looking for the good and beautiful in this world.
In his 1992 documentary "Compassion in Exile", filmmaker Mickey Lemle created a groundbreaking portrait of the 14th Dalai Lama. His new film takes a fresh look at what is important for His Holiness, who is now in his 80s: the historic confrontation between Tibet and China; his influence in political, spiritual and educational spheres; his work with neuroscientists; and his personal feelings on aging, dying and whether he will be the last Dalai Lama. His impact on the West has grown over the 25 years since the earlier film, and we see some of his influence at work in classes and scientific studies. Artfully weaving interviews and accounts from family, friends and people he inspired, this film vibrantly conveys the Dalai Lama’s humor, wisdom and compassion
'Earth Sutra' is the documentary that will change your vision of Tibet after six decades of control under Chinese oppression. Dare to reflect on your relationship with the Earth and your relationship with other humans through Earth Sutra, a portrait of Tibet's survival in exile and how their ancient culture can positively influence our planet for the challenges and crises presented in the 21st century.
In 1959 thousands of unarmed Tibetan women took to the streets of Lhasa to oppose the violent Chinese occupation of their country. For the first time on film, three generations of Tibetan women and His Holiness the Dalai Lama recount one of the great movements of nonviolent resistance in modern history.
Great Mother
임신한 아내를 뒤로한 채 히말라야의 최고봉 중의 하나인 낭가 빠르바트로의 원정을 떠난 오스트리아의 유명 산악인 하인리히 하러. 강인함과 냉철함, 그리고 이기적인 성격의 하인리히는 혹한의 산정에서 몇번이나 죽을 고비를 넘기지만, 이것은 그의 험난하고 기나긴 여행의 시작에 불과했다. 제2차 세계대전의 발발, 영국군 포로수용소 생활, 그리고 죽음을 건 탈출. 귀향을 위해 다시 한번 선택할 수 밖에 없었던 히말라야에서의 사투. 그리고 티벳의 라사라는 금단의 도시에 이르기까지의 여정. 어느날, 낯선땅 티벳의 이방인이 된 하인리히. 티벳의 모든 국민에게 추앙받는 종교적, 영적 지도자인 13세 어린 나이의 달라이 라마를 만나면서 그의 인생은 바뀐다. 그리고 달라이 라마에게 서방 세계의 문명을 가르쳐주며 우정을 나누게 된다. 그후, 험청난 정치적 격변의 시기에 처한 티벳에서 7년의 세월을 보내게 되는데...