Makeup Artist
A zoo veterinarian gets caught up in a grisly adventure as she finds herself leading the city-wide hunt for a monstrous lion terrorizing the Dutch capital of Amsterdam.
Assistant Makeup Artist
Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s eyes Tiny’s life seems quite exciting. But why is she so furious at everyone and everything? It takes him half a lifetime to discover that his beloved aunt’s existence is a lot more complex than he had ever thought.
Makeup Artist
밀레니엄에서 가장 빠른 특급 엘리베이터가 오작동을 시작한다.
엘리베이터 정비사 마크 뉴먼은 문제를 해결하기 위해 나서지만 쉽사리 원인을 찾지 못하고 앞못보는 장애인, 밀레니엄빌딩의 경비원, 임산부, 등등 점점 피해자는 늘어만 가고, 신문기자인 제니퍼에 의해 엘리베이터에 대한 비밀을 듣고 직접 해결을 위해 나선다.