Following the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley, which quickly devolves into an elaborate series of death traps centered around Chad’s favorite films, forcing the guests to band together and use the rules of horror to survive the bloody game.
Associate Producer
The Dalton gang escape to a nearby town after a train robbery goes south, but they are met by a coven of witches with sinister plans for the unsuspecting outlaws.
Co-Executive Producer
A clickbait journalist is sent to the Appalachian foothills to cover a Bigfoot Convention where he discovers there’s more to this listicle than meets the eye.
Chad Buckley is a horror aficionado, and he's lonely. Chad spends his days at his struggling genre video store arguing with his only regular customer, Sam. When an unsuspecting applicant shows up, Chad begins to teach him about the rules of horror and his video store at large, much to the chagrin of Sam. During Chad's on-boarding process, we weave in and out of different hilarious horror shorts, each one geared at a different set of horror tropes. As this new applicant learns the ropes, he begins to suspect Chad of something sinister, but we quickly learn that he may have a secret of his own.
Rigging Grip
2개의 타이타늄 반지, 초극비 프로젝트 HALO, 그리고 미녀삼총사… 백만장자 찰리를 주축으로 정부를 위해 일하는 매력적인 미녀삼총사, 나탈리, 딜런, 알렉스. 어느날 미 법무성과 연방요원이 관리하던 FBI의 증인보호 프로그램 “HALO”가 담긴 2개의 타이타늄 반지가 연달아 도난당하고, 보호 중이던 증인들을 무차별 살해하는 테러가 발생한다. 더욱 섹시하고 더욱 강해진 그녀들의 임무가 시작된다! 이제 3년만에 새로운 프로젝트에 투입된 미녀삼총사의 임무는 사라진 반지를 되찾고 나머지 증인들의 생명을 보호하는 것! 그러나 섹시하고 터프한 미녀삼총사 앞에 찰리의 옛 부하이자 “타락천사”로 변해버린 매디슨이 나타나 사사건건 그녀들을 방해하는데…