Delgerbayar Purevdorj

참여 작품

Marked Man
1939년 5월, 일본은 동아시아를 정복한 것도 모자라 할하강을 넘어 몽골 영토를 침략한다. 제6기병사단을 이끌던 샤리부는 일본과의 전투 끝에 사망한다. 소련에서 투입한 주코프 사령관은 전쟁의 신으로 이름난 젊은 군인 단다르를 대령으로 임명하고 제6기병사단을 맡긴다. 일본 공군은 단다르의 고향 바얀투멘을 공격하고, 그곳에 남아 있던 단다르의 아내와 딸은 러시아로 피난을 간다.
Marked Man
1939년 5월, 일본은 동아시아를 정복한 것도 모자라 할하강을 넘어 몽골 영토를 침략한다. 제6기병사단을 이끌던 샤리부는 일본과의 전투 끝에 사망한다. 소련에서 투입한 주코프 사령관은 전쟁의 신으로 이름난 젊은 군인 단다르를 대령으로 임명하고 제6기병사단을 맡긴다. 일본 공군은 단다르의 고향 바얀투멘을 공격하고, 그곳에 남아 있던 단다르의 아내와 딸은 러시아로 피난을 간다.
The Gladiolus
Private school principal Khongorzul is a single mom, lives with her teenage daughter Tsetseg and disabled son Jargal. When Tsetseg, 19 years old, dancer falls in love with a 10 years older drug dealer Tugs: Khongorzul and her family's life changes forever. Trying to find out, whom her daughter hangs out with Khongorzul investigates and in one freak confrontation she accidentally kills her daughter's boyfriend. She hides the dead body and tries to live with her life as normal as possible. Dandar, an about-to-retire detective gets one last job to find Tugs and he gets on Khongorzul's murder trial. Dandar finds out Tugs was a drug dealer and a womanizer and his murder was just an accident and instead of turning Khongorzul in, Dandar helps her to get away with murder.
The Gladiolus
Private school principal Khongorzul is a single mom, lives with her teenage daughter Tsetseg and disabled son Jargal. When Tsetseg, 19 years old, dancer falls in love with a 10 years older drug dealer Tugs: Khongorzul and her family's life changes forever. Trying to find out, whom her daughter hangs out with Khongorzul investigates and in one freak confrontation she accidentally kills her daughter's boyfriend. She hides the dead body and tries to live with her life as normal as possible. Dandar, an about-to-retire detective gets one last job to find Tugs and he gets on Khongorzul's murder trial. Dandar finds out Tugs was a drug dealer and a womanizer and his murder was just an accident and instead of turning Khongorzul in, Dandar helps her to get away with murder.