Frank Notaro

참여 작품

Merchant of Death
Jim Rendall is 6 when his family gets killed. 25 years later he finds out why.
Senator Brickman
오클라호마시의 연방건물의 폭파사건을 시작으로 미 전역에 크고 작은 폭파사건들과 시위들이 백인 우윌주의자들과 연합 애국 단체들에 의해 자행된다. 그들 중에서도 스스로 장군이라 부르는 전 미 특수부대 요원이었던 크래프트(Kraft: 죠 라라 분)가 이끄는 연합 애국 단체는 뛰어난 조직력으로 미국방부를 잔뜩 긴장하게 만든다. 스스로를 장군이라고 부르며 독재적인 세력을 키워나가던 그는 연방세금을 없애고 외국인을 배척하는 새로운 미국을 목표로 국민들을 선동한다. 한편 크래프트는 모든 미국내의 미사일의 발사암호를 알고 있는 에반스 박사(Dr. Evans: 마이클 맥케이브 분)를 납치, 국방부 연습지역에 미사일을 발사, 공식적인 선전포고를 해온다. 그의 엄청난 군사력과 조직력에 위협을 느낀 국방부는 크래프트의 전 동료이자 미특수요원인 테논 대위(Jack Tannen: 프랭크 자가리노 분)를 그의 지역에 몰래 보내 긴급테러전을 펼치게 한다. 그러나 갑작스런 공격에 타격을 받은 크래프트는 대통령의 사임과 1억블을 요구하며 두번째 미사일을 워싱턴으로 향해 돌리는데.
Dark Desires: Eva
When gambler John looses all his money in Afrika, he takes a job as bodyguard for the successful scriptwriter Eva. He's immediately fascinated and attracted to her and starts to neglect his jealous girlfriend Louise. Eva seems to return John's feelings - but not long, and she tells him what she really expects him to do for her. Only Louise suspects that no good will come out of this...
Cyborg Cop II
A fancy, loner cop loses his partner to a crazed terrorist during a hostage rescue. He settles for the terrorist going to Death Row in jail. What Jack doesn't know is that the terrorist will be taken and turned into a cyborg for the "Anti-Terrorist Group". When the Cyborg "Spartacus" wakes up accidentally, he kills the scientists and their guests, then goes to set things up for a Cyborg Empire. Only Jack and a few friends know how to stop
Never Say Die
Colonel Redmond
The peaceful existence of boat repairman Blake (Frank Zagarino) is destroyed when the Reverend James (Billy Drago) shows up with his disciples. Back in the days when Blake had been a member of an elite commando force, James had been his friend. But things have changed. Worried that Reverend James has fostered a cult and is planning on a mass suicide, the government sends spies to investigate. The government is also concerned because a prominent general's daughter is among the cultists. When the spies are killed, Blake is forced to reveal his true identity and join the fray to stop James and save the general's daughter.
Cyborg Cop
Crazy Man
Ex-DEA agent Jack receives an emergency message from his brother Phillip, whose team was ambushed on the Caribbean island of St. Keith. Jack goes to St. Keith to find his brother, who has been turned into a cyborg by the drug runner he was after.
Lethal Ninja
An American ninja's wife is held hostage by a sadistic Nazi chemist on an Asian island. He teams up with an African-American ninja to rescue her.
American Kickboxer
Kickboxing champion B.J. is jailed for an accidental murder thanks to the testimony of his arch-nemesis Denard. A year later, B.J. is released and then challenged by Denard for $100,000. Will B.J. accept and get even with Denard?
The Crime Lords
Two ex-cops find themselves alone in their fight against the largest crime syndicate in the world - the Crime Lords. The action takes us from the streets of Los Angeles to the back alleys of Hong Kong in this buddy movie.
방갈로 벽난로에 모여 앉은 팸, 척, 바비는 헬게이트에 관한 전설을 얘기한다. 30여년 전 아름다운 소녀 조시는 ​사과 쥬스를 주문하러 마을 식당에 갔다 폭주족들에게 납치당했는데 결국 죽고 말았다. 그녀의 아버지 루카스는 죽은 생명체를 되살리는 수정을 탄광 인부로부터 얻게 되고 이것으로 조시를 좀비로 부활시켜 외지인을 대상으로 복수를 한다.
The Revenger
When saxophonist Mike Teller's brother Mackie is killed before being able to deliver $500,000 to mob boss Jack Fisher, Mike is arrested as an accomplice and thrown into prison for five years. Upon his release, he finds Fisher has kidnapped his wife, Lisa, believing Mike has the stolen drug money. With the help of Mackie's old Vietnam war buddy, Harry Crawford, Mike and Harry rescue Lisa, but now have to escape the clutches of the mob in Harry's remote cabin. Will Jack Fisher retrieve his money or will Mike get his revenge?
Captive Rage
When the DEA director arrests the drug-dealing son of a South American general and cocaine baron, the dictator orders a plane of college students, among them the DEA director's daughter, to be hijacked and flown to his country, where he holds them under threat of torture and death unless his son is released within 72 hours.
Quiet Thunder
A bush pilot and a senator's wife try to survive in the jungles of Africa after witnessing an assassination.
White Ghost
July '72. Vietnam. Lt. Steve Shepard missing in action. Presumed dead...15 years later he's still there.