Juan Torres

참여 작품

Little Andalucía
Antonio Castro, Sinatra, is a fighter of life working in an old cabaret in Barcelona imitating Frank Sinatra, accompanied in his show by Groucho Marx, Marlene Dietrich and Lola Flores. But one day, the sky dresses in gray for him; his wife, who works as a waitress in the same place, decides to leave him.
Barrios altos
Empleado Marsella
Veronica, divorced with a son, begins to organize her life and adapt to the new situation. Her problems are relegated to a second term when Carlos, her masseur, is murdered. Knowing himself in danger, Carlos left a message on Veronica's answering machine: she had to pick up a package hidden in the toilets of a railway station. From that moment, Veronica will not know the calm.
Mi general
A group of generals of the army meet for a course about NATO and new weapons. In the beginning everything is normal but as the time passes they behave more and more like school children.
Réquiem por un campesino español
Viejo Luna
Hypocrisy and betrayal are the two dramatic pivots in this effective, emotionally gripping tragedy about the life and death of Paco (Antonio Banderas), a Spanish peasant who had been fighting against the feudal landowning system that kept farmers impoverished. Paco's life is told in flashbacks by a priest (Antonio Ferrandis) who is seen officiating at an anniversary mass attended by three wealthy landowners and no one else. The priest recalls Paco's baptism, his communion, his marriage ceremony and then his work for the peasants as he advocated and led them in a land-reform movement. The rest of the story will rest heavy on the priest's conscience, as he looks out at his empty church.
Victòria! 3: El seny i la rauxa
La selva está loca, loca, loca...
Assault at Central Bank
Film adaptation of a real event that occurred on May 23, 1981, in which a TV broadcaster, director of a major newspaper, and a deputy were involved
La rebelión de los pájaros
¡Viva la Pepa!
La amante ingenua
Los bingueros
Hombre velatorio 5 (uncredited)
Fernando Esteso, Andres Pajares and Antonio Ozores... funny, sexy and great movie!!!
Companys, procés a Catalunya
1939: The remains of the Spanish Republican Army crossed the French border. Among the exiles are Lluís Companys, President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and also Aguirre, President of the Basque Government. After the invasion of France by Nazi troops, Companys will be arrested by the Gestapo and handed over to the Francoist authorities. Led by the Count of Mayalde, he is transferred to Madrid and later to Barcelona. After a summary trial, Companys is condemned to death and shot.
Óscar, Kina y el láser
Mozo del aeropuerto
Let's Go, Barbara
Patrón Taller
Ana is Catalan, daughter of a bourgeois family and works in a studio in advertising. She is 38 years old and has only lived with her husband, with whom she has a relationship cold but accepted by both. Although his family is opposed, decides to leave her husband and takes a vacation with her daughter Barbara, of 12 years, in order to leave behind all the past and start a freer life, with fewer ties, less conventional.
Butterfly on the Shoulder
Policier (uncredited)
On a stopover in Barcelona, Fériaud Roland discovers a corpse in the hotel room next door. He wakes up in a strange clinic without remembering who brought him there. The doctor insists he hallucinated, but it's not long before he obtains evidence that it wasn't a dream.
Street Warriors
Funcionario del reformatorio
Perros Callejeros is based on the juvenile delinquency of the 1970s and 80s in Spain. The story is set in Barrio de la Mina in Barcelona one of the most conflict neighbourhoods in Spain. The characters chosen were real juvenile delinquents all with criminal records, which the director used to give the film a realistic touch. This film is very powerful and dramatic, it shows how these kids were brought up to survive on the streets.
The Andalusian Widow
Lozana, a young, beautiful and clever woman decides to move to the city after a tragic love story. There, she meets Rampin, a naughty rascal who soon finds out that her wit surpasses his own by a handful. When he falls in love with her, he can't help suffering as he sees how she plays not only with him, but with all of her lovers as well.
Las marginadas
Ligón del bar
La dudosa virilidad de Cristóbal
Padre de Carlos
¿Y ahora qué, señor fiscal?
Working-class dude grows up surrounded with petty delinquency and ghetto temptations; he marries a rich girl and faces the disapproval of her parents. Then the young couple plans a crime...
Las alegres chicas de 'El Molino'
Barcelona in the seventies. Piper, comedian at the theater El Molino has specialized in effeminate roles, but in reality is a conqueror. His wife, Nita, sets a trap for him.
Sexy... amor y fantasía
Don Matías
La nueva Marilyn
Jefe de Andrés
Las largas vacaciones del 36
Set near Barcelona at the time of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, this epic drama explores the adventures suffered by an uncommitted vacationing family caught unawares by the conflict. In focusing on the war's effects on the family, this film was able to offer much more devastating commentary than would normally have been permitted in the late Franco era.
Guapa, rica y... especial
Pillo 2º
Vivir a mil
El chivo
Una prima en la bañera
Don Marcial
Dueño del bar
Frank and Roger are shocked by the death of their friend Gene--who apparently has died of an unknown disease--and decide to investigate. They visit the old haunts of their friend and meet Maria, the girl Gene was in love with. They soon discover that Maria has strange supernatural powers and the unexplainable mystery of Gene's death deepens. What really happened to Gene? Was he the victim of an evil force? What is the mystery of the strange and beautiful Maria?
Cunning Young Vixen in a Bikini
Padre de Marina
A convict is released and is mobbed by "Zorrita", an adventurer, accompanied by her close friend Barbara and a young millionaire, loaded with jewels and kilos. The convict is subject to the maximum erotic attacks, as they intend to involve him in the theft of the jewelry that a marquis of small stature keeps in a safe.
Fight to the Death
The parallel stories of a police commissioner and a bank robber whose lives eventually come together.
Los hijos de Scaramouche
The Killer Wore Gloves
Office worker (uncredited)
At Heathrow Airport, a man is razored to death in a toilet cubicle. A young woman, Peggy Foster, is concerned about the disappearance of Michael, her photographer boyfriend, who has been in Vietnam for months. In order to pay the rent, she reluctantly sub-lets her garret flat to a man called John Kirk Lawford. The new tenant wears sunglasses indoors and acts suspiciously. Peggy is lured to an abandoned airfield by a call from Michael but is shot at by a sniper. Back at her apartment block she is shocked to find that a man has apparently committed suicide by jumping from her balcony. While the police question Peggy, a stranger turns up and announces himself as John Kirk Lawford! Shirley, secretary to Peggy's lascivious publisher, is killed by a black-gloved intruder and the mystery deepens...
Robin Hood, Arrows, Beans and Karate
Brother Modesto
Sam and Buddy, two highway robbers, join with Colonel Quint, a big crook, who sold his services to Morgan, the banker, in order to free Baby, the banker's daughter, abducted by Espartero and his killers gang. A plan to 'sell' fake dollars to Espartero goes awry, but the two sons of the forger join Quint, and so does Mokaiko, a brave Japanese cook. The rag-tag band of Quinlan meets Espartero in several scraps, and then a climactic confrontation. All are ugly, bad, and dirty (except Baby), and fight accordingly.
Fat Brothers of Trinity
Pasajero de diligencia
The bizarre adventures of the three gunmen Western grosser, next to a delicate young.
Now They Call Him Sacramento
After stealing money transported in a train, Sacramento, Big Jim and Tequila arribe to "La Paz" town. They rent a room there in order to hide the money but Sacramento and Big Jim, while Tequila is sleeping, run away with the money. Tequila follow them...
데스 웍스 앳 미드나이트
Valentina, a beautiful fashion model, takes an experimental drug as part of a scientific experiment. While influenced by the drug, Valentina has a vision of a young woman being brutally murdered with a viciously spiked glove. It turns out that a woman was killed in exactly the same way not long ago and soon Valentina finds herself stalked by the same killer.
Fabulous Trinity
Guardia de Jiménez
In a Wild West town, Miss Nora, a beautiful smuggler, meets Scott, a bounty hunter that goes to Mexico with her for work issues. While they are in Mexico, three smugglers arrested by the military are released by the girl, who used all her seduction skills to get what she wants. But the guerrilla leader realizes the trap and the three smugglers are considered fugitives pursued by the Mexican revolutionaries and by Scott, as the law has put a price on their heads.
They Believed He Was No Saint
A bunch of outlaws awaits the release from prison of an old goldminer, believed to have hidden 28 sacks of gold 20 years before... They all want the old man to speak, but only one of them will fulfill his dream.
My Horse... My Gun... Your Widow
Mexican illegal (uncredited)
Doc Saxon and his gang rob the Crown City bank but are double-crossed by Carrasco, a Mexican bandit, who steals the gold and leaves Doc and Donovan with nothing.
God in Heaven... Arizona on Earth
A bounty hunter named Arizona helps a group of beleaguered farmers in their fight against a large landowner named Austin Styles and his gang of outlaws.
His Name Was Holy Ghost
Gianni Garko stars as the Holy Ghost, a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick (Chris Huerta), the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes.
Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata's Coming
Steve McGowan has proposed to avenge the death of his father, murdered by one of the followers of Chief Miller. This engages the services of a famous gunslinger called Sabata and instructs him to kill Steve. The fate joins Steve and the Mexican bandit Leon Pompero, and together they decide to defeat the murderous gunman.
Long Live the Bride and Groom
Leo Pozas, native from Burgos and high bank clerk, arrives to a town on the Costa Brava, with his mother to marry Loli. Unexpectedly, Leo's mother died. This may mean the suspension of the wedding, a year of mourning and, perhaps, another relief, so that Leo and Loli hide the corpse of the old betrothal until after the wedding...
El señorito y las seductoras
Antonio is a millionaire who spends his time conquering beautiful women aided by his faithful butler, Pablol. He tries to seduce the beautiful Marta, but when he realizes that she prepares a trap to force him to marry, Antonio disappears.
White Skin Market
A young police officer fresh out of the academy, sees casually as a man is beaten and forcibly put into a car in the car park at Barajas airport. The rookie cop tracks them down and discovers a band dedicated to trafficking in women in Spain.
Turistas y bribones
An antique hustler, a couple of thieves, one pickpocket, a seductive man ... These are the elements of the criminal gang led by "the Brain". Together they aim to make a big score that allows them to retire. "The Brain" master of manipulation, has assigned a role to each one separately, but only he knows all the secrets of the plan.
Chico, chica, ¡boom!
Empleado de aeropuerto
Andres and Luis are two young taxi drivers eager to succeed. The first one sings and the other composes songs, and together they intend to record an album to finally jump to fame. They have it all planned. Taking advantage of a visit to the city of the famous singer Silvia, Luis tries to gain the confidence of her manager and, in this way, be directly launched to fame.
The Texican
Wanted north of the border, Jess Carlin resides safely in Mexico. Then he hears his brother was killed in a gunfight with another man. Knowning his brother never carried a gun he heads north to find his brother's killer. After battling bounty hunters he arrives in Rimrock, a town controlled by Luke Starr. Starr is the man he wants but he unable to find any evidence until he is given an item found by his brother's body.
Algunas lecciones de amor
Left-Handed Fate
The inhabitants of a strange desert Barcelona are gradually leaving the city in a panic group. The victims of a serial killers seem to feel strangely attracted by their executioners. Only Gim, an attractive blonde advertising model, decides to face her destiny.
링고의 귀환
Bartender at Mimbres' village
전작 "총잡이 링고"는 기록적인 성공을 거두었고, 두치오 테사리는 곧바로 ‘정식 후속편’을 만들었다. 고향으로 돌아온 링고는 멕시코의 갱들로부터 자신의 가족과 약혼자를 지키기 위한 싸움을 시작한다. 그리고 이를 위해 정체를 숨기고 갱단에 잠입을 시도한다.
El castigador
총잡이 링고
Henry - Bank clerk
‘엔젤 페이스’란 별명을 가진 링고는 치열한 결투 끝에 상대를 죽인 죄로 감옥에 갇힌다. 한편, 그동안 마을에는 흉악한 강도가 인질극을 벌이고, 인질의 안전을 걱정한 보안관은 범죄자인 링고를 몰래 잠입시켜 인질을 구출하려 한다. 과연 링고는 인질도 구출하고 자신의 자유도 얻을 수 있을까? 무수한 ‘링고 시리즈’의 첫 출발을 알린 작품.
Totò d'Arabia
Young Sánchez
Portrait of the life of an amateur boxer, who falls into the hands of a cruel manager while turning into professional.
El mujeriego
Vendedor periódicos
Chica para todo
Trampa mortal
A former convict, named Raul Vela, and a cabaret singer, called Clara, are a couple who tries to lead a normal life. He has found an employment and she wants to leave the cabaret. One day an old chief, who wants to disappear, proposes him to justify his supposed death in a supposed accident. In exchange, Raúl will receive one hundred thousand pesetas as gratification. Raul refuses to engage in the deception. Shortly after, he reads in a newspaper about the death of Cervera, which makes the police relate him to the case.
The Good Love
A couple of young university students decide to spend the day in Toledo, in order to forget a little of the routine in which they are. At nine o'clock in the morning, José Luis waits at the Atocha station for his girlfriend, Mari Carmen. The couple has deceived their families, who have told that they will eat in the Faculty. The journey is eternal and the stay in the city, rather than surprise them, as they expected, immerses them, even more, in the monotony in which they live. Without friends, without relatives and without university partners, the couple will spend twelve hours in Toledo, half a day of tenderness in the rain and the December sun that will help them to know themselves better.
La cuarta ventana
Encargado del equipaje
La alternativa
In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless person to sit down to dinner at their wealthy table. Plácido, a humble worker, is hired by the organizers to participate in a parade with his three-wheeled vehicle, a seemingly simple mission that will not be easy for him to accomplish.
Los cuervos
An industrial magnate is subjected to a heart transplant to save his life. During his convalescence, his secretary will take over most of his stock.
Los atracadores
Taxista (uncredited)
The film is divided into three parts: 'Restlessness', 'Violence' and 'Death', to explain the motivations, evolution and defeat of three young misfits from Barcelona who end up being robbers. The way of crime is an easy way for them: a boy and a worker without a job or benefit are induced by 'el Señorito', the son of a rich lawyer. Together they form a band. Hard and violent, the film is made with a clear intention of social criticism and research of realism, culminating in a final scene that raised quite controversial.
Julia y el celacanto
In Tordesa, a small fishing village in the Spanish Levant, appears a coelacanth, an important fish that in recent years has attracted the attention of the press and scientists around the world. In this village, the only one who realizes the importance of the fish is Julia, who is also aware of the significant rewards that sages offer for the capture. But due to a number of circumstances, the news reaches the head of a scientific institution and they send a delegate to handle the fish. Facing the danger of having the fish removed, Julia hides it aided by his brothers
A Glass of Whiskey
Ayudante de Raúl
Víctor is a handsome boy, skeptical and lover of the pleasures of life. He has no job or benefit and lives on women without realizing that his behavior triggers dramas and disappointments, pain and hopelessness.
Hombre bajito
"Tomorrow ..." (mañana...) is the easy exit to deceive themselves of those who feel the impotence and the cowardice to confront face to face their circumstances in life.