Dmitry Gizbrekht

Dmitry Gizbrekht

출생 : 1982-06-25, Kolotovka, Irkutskaya oblast, USSR (Russia)

프로필 사진

Dmitry Gizbrekht

참여 작품

시리얼 킬러: 로스토프의 인간백정
Chess Player
냉철한 판단과 치밀한 계략으로 명성이 높은 수사반장 이사. 36명의 여성과 아동을 살해하며 소비에트 연방을 충격에 빠트린 연쇄살인범 ’인간백정’을 10년 간의 추척 끝에 체포해낸다. 그러나 체포된 자가 진범이 아니라는 제보가 들어오고, 이사는 새로운 용의자에게 자백을 받아내려고 애쓴다. 일이 마음대로 풀리지 않자, 이사는 자신이 검거한 또 다른 살인범 ‘체스꾼’과 거래해 사건을 해결해보려고 하는데…
Cursed Seat
There is an urban legend that a seat in the local cinema theater is cursed and whoever takes it ends up dead. A group of high school friends start to believe the legend when some mysterious deaths occur after a day of skipping school at the cinema. The police begin their investigation while the teenagers start to suspect each other.
Communism Peak
1936 Lubyakino; A perpetual motion generator has been invented but with one important catch: it only works when a true communist looks at it. Vasiliev does this job well and without fault, but when a committee from Moscow arrive in search of 'enemies of the people', Vasiliev's resolve will be tested to the limit.
No Light, Now or Ever
Grisha was in an unfamiliar hotel. As ill luck would have it, they cut out the light. Meeting with neighbors will greatly change his life.