Dalia Zagni

Dalia Zagni

출생 : , Gerusalemme, Israele

프로필 사진

Dalia Zagni

참여 작품

Giovanna's Father
Proprietaria trattoria (as Dalia Lahav)
Michele Casali is a middle-class professor in Fascist Italy who teaches at the same high school attended by his only daughter, Giovanna. A shy and sensitive girl, her insecurities are only magnified by Michele's overprotectiveness—reaching a point of no return.
Christmas Rematch
17 years after Regalo di Natale the same 5 players for a new challenge. Who can trust who?
Cronache del terzo millennio
Rozal (as Dalia Lahav)
During the Middle Ages, a traveling executioner hires an apprentice to learn the finer points of torture and execution, and a young girl is given by her parents to a Catholic convent.
Killer Rules
Real Estate Woman
Two adoptive brothers -- one a mob hit man, the other a Department of Justice investigator -- who are unaware of each other's existence until they become involved with the same woman, end up in a deadly triangle in this thriller.
Secondo Ponzio Pilato
The story of salvation is told from the perspective of the Roman governor in Judea, Pontius Pilate.
Folie suisse
Four weeks of basic training for girls in the IDF: seven girls and two sergeants from different backgrounds (Canadian girl, an immigrant from Russia, Sabra Buckley, etc.)
한나 K
Israeli attorney Hanna Kaufman has her beliefs challenged when she is appointed to the defense of Selim Bakri. Kaufman, who was born in the United States to survivors of the Holocaust, has always accepted Israel's right to exist. But she bears witness to some of the costs of its sovereignty when she meets Bakri, a dispossessed Palestinian man facing serious criminal charges who wants the same thing as his supposed enemies: to reclaim his family home.
영화의 도입부에서 재현되는 아름다운 청년들 사이의 동성애로부터 시작하여, 연이어 등장하는 에피소드들은 하나같이 놀라움과 충격을 보여준다. 영화는 엔콜피우스(껴안는 사람, 마틴 포터), 그의 친구인 아실토(벌을 모면한 사람, 히램 켈러), 소년 지토네(이웃 사람, 맥스 본) 등 평판이 나쁜 세 모험가의 방황과 무분별한 행위들을 묘사하고 있다. 지토네를 사랑하고 있는 엔콜피우스는 친구인 아실토를 추궁하여 지토네를 돌려달라고 강요한다. 하지만 아실트는 이미 지토네를 광대에게 팔아넘긴 후였고, 엔콜피우스는 광대에게서 간신히 지토네를 데려오지만, 다시 아실트가 그를 데려가 버린다. 그리고 여기에 부유한 속물이자 복합적인 인물인 트리말키오(마리오 로마놀리)의 이야기가 더해진다. 막대한 재산을 갖고 천박한 겉치레를 좋아하며 교양이 있는 체 허세를 부리지만, 감상적인 실수로 타고난 상스러움을 드러내는 주인공 트리말키오는 풍자문학에 등장하는 전형적인 인물이다. 영화는 에피소드 속에 또 다른 에피소드를 끼워 넣기도 한다. 다시 말해 영화 속에 영화가 등장하고, 또 환상과 꿈 사이의 경계를 흐릿하게 꾸며놓아 앞서 서술한 기본 골격을 제외하고는 그 이야기의 표면을 따라가기조차 쉽지 않다. 펠리니의 창작에 대한 광기마저 느껴지는 '사티리콘'은 ‘로마시대에 대한 환상 에세이’라고도 소개된다.
Gli infermieri della mutua
Infermiera (uncredited)
A comedy about the Italian National Health System based on a doctor who owns a private clinic and manages it more like a con man than a follower of the Hippocratic oath.
Black Jack
Julie Skinner
Black Jack Murphy (Robert Woods) is the brains in an outfit of outlaws who rob the bank at Tusca City. All goes to plan with the heist but once the loot is safely obtained Jack's men lose no time in trying to double cross him. Wily Jack manages to outfox them at first and gets away with the cash but they soon catch up with him again and not only make off with the money but leave him crippled and carrying multiple causes for wanting revenge. This need for amends possesses Jack with an all consuming passion and he sets out to get even with each of his unfaithful former compadres but has his particular sights set on Indian Joe (Mimmo Palmara) and Sanchez (Rik Battaglia) who abused and killed his beloved sister. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Clips, a bounty killer, is after one John Coler, who has fooled him, keeping all of a loot he should have shared with him. He finally catches his prey only to discover that the man is a Coler all right but not the expected one.