Pascal Morelli

출생 : 1961-05-04, Paris, France

참여 작품

천하무적 전사, 데몬킹들의 전설이 전해져 오는 11세기 중국. 호시탐탐 왕위를 노리던 악당 고구는 황제를 죽이고 제국을 차지할 음모를 꾸민다. 위기에 처한 왕자 단은 신비한 능력을 지닌 장도사의 도움으로 궁을 탈출하고, 전설의 데몬킹들을 찾아 모험을 떠난다. 데몬킹의 리더 블랙스톰(검은 폭풍), 바람의 검객 레오파드(붉은 표범), 초강력 여전사 스네이크(노란 독사), 낭만자객 고스트(백면 시인)를 중심으로 전설의 영웅들이 모두 한자리에 모이는데…… 과연 왕자는 세상을 구하고, 자신의 자리를 되찾을 수 있을까?
천하무적 전사, 데몬킹들의 전설이 전해져 오는 11세기 중국. 호시탐탐 왕위를 노리던 악당 고구는 황제를 죽이고 제국을 차지할 음모를 꾸민다. 위기에 처한 왕자 단은 신비한 능력을 지닌 장도사의 도움으로 궁을 탈출하고, 전설의 데몬킹들을 찾아 모험을 떠난다. 데몬킹의 리더 블랙스톰(검은 폭풍), 바람의 검객 레오파드(붉은 표범), 초강력 여전사 스네이크(노란 독사), 낭만자객 고스트(백면 시인)를 중심으로 전설의 영웅들이 모두 한자리에 모이는데…… 과연 왕자는 세상을 구하고, 자신의 자리를 되찾을 수 있을까?
Corto Maltese: The Secret Court of the Arcane
Storyboard Artist
At the end of 1918 while civil war is raging on in Russia, antagonism is slowly spreading to the East, between the Oral mountains and Shanghai. Stuck between a desire to save what's left of the great Imperial Russia, and starting from a clean slate, old generals, secret organizations, and mercenaries attracted by gold, struggle to take advantage of the events. As Corto Maltese returns to Shanghai, he barely gets time to cross paths with his old friend/nemesis Rasputin, and escape a murder attempt before being contacted by members of a Chinese secret organization called "The Red Lanterns". In the heart of violent Manchurian horizons, Corto and Rasputin launch themselves into a fabulous treasure hunt, following the tracks of the mysterious armor-plated train of Kolchak. A steel monster spiked with canons and machine guns, this trains protects the counter-revolutionaries gold...
Corto Maltese: The Secret Court of the Arcane
At the end of 1918 while civil war is raging on in Russia, antagonism is slowly spreading to the East, between the Oral mountains and Shanghai. Stuck between a desire to save what's left of the great Imperial Russia, and starting from a clean slate, old generals, secret organizations, and mercenaries attracted by gold, struggle to take advantage of the events. As Corto Maltese returns to Shanghai, he barely gets time to cross paths with his old friend/nemesis Rasputin, and escape a murder attempt before being contacted by members of a Chinese secret organization called "The Red Lanterns". In the heart of violent Manchurian horizons, Corto and Rasputin launch themselves into a fabulous treasure hunt, following the tracks of the mysterious armor-plated train of Kolchak. A steel monster spiked with canons and machine guns, this trains protects the counter-revolutionaries gold...
Corto Maltese: The Secret Court of the Arcane
At the end of 1918 while civil war is raging on in Russia, antagonism is slowly spreading to the East, between the Oral mountains and Shanghai. Stuck between a desire to save what's left of the great Imperial Russia, and starting from a clean slate, old generals, secret organizations, and mercenaries attracted by gold, struggle to take advantage of the events. As Corto Maltese returns to Shanghai, he barely gets time to cross paths with his old friend/nemesis Rasputin, and escape a murder attempt before being contacted by members of a Chinese secret organization called "The Red Lanterns". In the heart of violent Manchurian horizons, Corto and Rasputin launch themselves into a fabulous treasure hunt, following the tracks of the mysterious armor-plated train of Kolchak. A steel monster spiked with canons and machine guns, this trains protects the counter-revolutionaries gold...