Mirra Bank

참여 작품

The Only Real Game
The story about the magic of baseball for people in a troubled place. The tiny state of Manipur, in strife torn northeast India defies civil war, drugs and gun traffic through love of baseball. It is a far away story that brings us to the heart of the Great American Game.
Last Dance
A documentary about the collaboration between dance company Pilobolus and Maurice Sendak, who together created a dance-theater piece about the Holocaust. Documentary, Drama - Jonathan Wolken, Arthur Yorinks, Robby Barnett, Maurice Sendak
Nobody's Girls: Five Women of the West
Real stories of five women of the Old West....
Nobody's Girls: Five Women of the West
Real stories of five women of the Old West....
Spirit to Spirit: Nikki Giovanni
Once crowned "The Princess of Black Poetry," the prolific and political Nikki Giovanni has become one of America's most popular poets. The film highlights the life and work of a poet whose verse appeals to everyone interested in poetry and modern American life. This lyrical and visually provocative film details the poet's coming-of-age against the background of her times: the Civil Rights struggle, Vietnam, and the Women's Movement. In this dynamic portrait, selected readings by Giovanni reveal the values and personal history which have deeply influenced her poetry. Spirit to Spirit unveils the sly wit and sharp insights of Giovanni's multi-layered work, making it a delightful introduction to this talented poet and incisive social commentator. Restored in 2022 by the Academy Film Archive and the Women’s Film Preservation Fund, with support from the Leon Levy Foundation.
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
This film is made up of three segments that share no plot but have a general thematic relationship. In the first segment, Virginia and her three children are left by her shiftless husband and she is courted by an old beau who is now divorced. In the second, a divorced woman reacts to some unexpected revelations from her aged father. In the third, a childless, middle-aged social worker is swept into an affair with a young cab driver and finds herself pregnant.
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
This film is made up of three segments that share no plot but have a general thematic relationship. In the first segment, Virginia and her three children are left by her shiftless husband and she is courted by an old beau who is now divorced. In the second, a divorced woman reacts to some unexpected revelations from her aged father. In the third, a childless, middle-aged social worker is swept into an affair with a young cab driver and finds herself pregnant.
Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
This film is made up of three segments that share no plot but have a general thematic relationship. In the first segment, Virginia and her three children are left by her shiftless husband and she is courted by an old beau who is now divorced. In the second, a divorced woman reacts to some unexpected revelations from her aged father. In the third, a childless, middle-aged social worker is swept into an affair with a young cab driver and finds herself pregnant.
할란 카운티 USA
현대 자본주의 문명의 요람이자 부의 상징인 미국 한가운데에 불과 삼십년 전까지만 해도 하수도 시설조차 제대로 갖추어지지 않은 열악한 환경의 마을이 있었다고 한다면 과연 믿을 사람이 얼마나 될까? 이 거짓말 같은 사실은 미국 켄터키주의 탄광지역 할란 카운티에서 실재했던 상황으로, 이는 근 1세기 이상 광산자원과 노동시장의 독점을 통해 일방적인 노동관계를 행사해온 거대 광산자본과 광부들간의 불균형적인 고용관계의 불가피한 결과였다. 1970년대에 들어서면서 할란 카운티의 광부들은 부당한 노동과 주거환경을 타파하고자 전미광업노조에 가입을 결정하게 되고 고용주는 이를 저지하기 위해 무자비한 방해공작을 펼치는데, 이 과정에서 벌어진 광부들의 파업은 현대 미국 노동운동의 이정표적인 사건이 되었다. 그리고 바버라 코플의 기념비적인 다큐멘터리 를 통해 오늘날까지 생생한 연대기로 남았다. 바버라 코플은 이 작품을 통해 광부들의 파업이 노동과 주거환경을 개선하고자 하는 단순한 노동운동의 차원을 넘어 수세기간 이어져온 미국 광산산업의 역사적 모순과 탄광촌 사회의 문화가 투영된 상징적 사건임을 기록영화의 내러티브를 통해 과감히 정리해낸다. 수년간의 근접 참여를 통해 얻어낸 냉정하고 정확한 촬영기록과 세밀하고 공고한 편집에 광부들의 전통 음악인 블루그래스를 배경음악으로 더해 휴머니즘의 시선을 유지한 기록영상물로서의 치열한 방법론을 완성해낸 는 곧바로 미국 아카데미 장편다큐멘터리 부문에서 수상했고, 오늘날 기록영화의 현대적 전범으로 평가받고 있다. 발표 30주년을 맞아 복원작업을 거친 는 크라이테리언 컬렉션을 통해 DVD로 발매되었다. 지난날 열악한 화질로 감상할 수밖에 없었던 것을 보상이라도 하듯, 아나모픽으로 깔끔하게 처리된 화면은 발표 당시의 생생함을 느낄 정도로 기록영상의 생동감을 가감없이 전달하고 있다.
Documentary portrait of the filmmaker's aunt, and her memories of life in the Lower East Side in the early 20th century.
Crush Proof
A young man recalls his affair with a young French woman who traveled with him across the United States. They began to drift apart during the trip, and eventually each had affairs with other people before realizing that their relationship had run its course.
김미 셀터
Assistant Editor
앨버트와 데이비드 메이슬즈 형제가 69년 롤링 스톤즈의 공연 실황을 담아낸 다큐멘터리.
The Tap Dance Kid
A '70s short about 8-year-old Willie, who wants to dance more than anything. Aired as an episode of "NBC Special Treat."
Anonymous Was a Woman
A short 1977 documentary about the origins of our current folk art tradition.