Ivan Orlov

출생 : 1990-07-29, Karabulak, USSR (Kazakhstan)

참여 작품

District Center
The regional center is not the center of paradise, but a small settlement, lost in the Orenburg steppes. the bus station, where regular buses arrive from all over the area, is a place of meeting and parting. This is where Radik, the protagonist of the story, comes to meet his older sister Rita, who is to take custody of him and his brothers and sisters. A large amount of money falls into the hands of the boy, which he wants to appropriate. But money is always a temptation. And temptation is where the main plot of humanity began.
High Above
Eighteen-year-old Vasya Tikhonova is travelling with her parents to a medical resort near Moscow, seeking treatment. She has a congenital heart defect, and her mother has always been overprotective. But when the Tikhonov family arrives, a murder is committed at the resort. And within seven days, Vasya’s life will change dramatically. She will meet her first love, she will take a big risk fighting for it, and she will make a discovery that is scary, but grants her freedom.
쓰리 세컨즈
Sergey Kovalenko, player of the USSR national team
미국과 소련의 냉전이 극에 달했던 1972년, 뮌헨올림픽에선 양국의 자존심을 건 희대의 대결이 펼쳐진다. 구소련 농구 대표팀은 30년간 우승국으로 '난공불락'으로 불리던 농구 세계 최강 미국을 상대로 결승전에서 3초를 남기고 극적인 승리를 따내며 금메달을 건다.