malíř Horác
Police Officer
Zdena, a young nurse, starts her first night shift at an old people’s home and immediately faces a difficult task: she has to deal with the body of a deceased client. A gentle portrait of faltering youth and a realistic tale of an encounter with death in a blend of physically intense moments and absurd humour.
"A documentary anatomy of mass murder for one monitor and 34 talking heads." These are the words the filmmakers use in the credits to describe their project, which thematises the execution of more than 260 Carpathian Germans, Hungarians and Slovaks by Czechoslovak army soldiers near Přerov in June 1945. The “massacre at Přerov” is made present through a minimalist dramatisation of the interrogation footage of direct participants, eyewitnesses, and others. It is as if the characters of ancient theatre were entering the Zoom “stage” and delivering a tragic message of fear, hatred and disinterest across the chasm of time.
To win back his girlfriend after an unfortunate misunderstanding, a hopeless romantic decides to recreate grand gestures from famous movies.
Jiří Klánský
malíř Horác
malíř Horác
malíř Horác
malíř Horác
malíř Horác
Four swimmers - water polo players find themselves at the bottom of their existence after losing a match. So desperate that they even find themselves living at the bottom of their emptied pool. To save their "dignity" they start a questionable business "Husband to rent" fixing home items for local housewives. But as time will show the household items are not the only things they end up repairing.
삼형제의 맏이로 부모님 대신 동생들을 돌보며 살아가는 소년의 유일한 취미는 병아리를 부화시키는 것이다. 그러나 여우에게 닭이 물려 죽기도 하는 등 계속된 실패로 소년은 매번 좌절을 맛보지만 시간은 흐르고 마침내 부화에 성공하게 된다. 가족의 보살핌이 결핍된 아이들의 사랑에 대한 갈구를 병아리의 부화에 비유하여 은유적으로 잘 표현한 점이 돋보인다. (2015년 제32회 부산국제단편영화제/김영조)
Karel Lang
Story follows two best friend on private investigation. They are going to their hometown to prove that Michals mother was killed by his stepmother.
malíř Horác
Velitel Diviš
Píše se 13. století. Království českému a markrabství moravskému vládne Přemysl Otakar II. Na zásnuby, které mají usmířit znesvářené rody pánů z Dubé a z Vartemberka, vysílá král svého zástupce v severních Čechách, správce královského hradu Bezdězu, Oldřicha z Chlumu (Karel Roden). Cestou na hrad najdou Oldřich a jeho pomocníci (Jan Dolanský, David Matásek) stopy po loupežné vraždě neznámého kupce. Na vartemberském panství se Oldřich setkává s Ludmilou (Klára Issová), dcerou Markvarta z Vartemberka, kterou zná od jejího dětství. Ludmila se mu svěří, že se nechce vdát za Beneše z Dubé (David Prachař), přestože jejich svatba je podmínkou křehkého míru mezi oběma rody. Během slavnostní hostiny, pořádané na Oldřichovu počest, je zavražděn purkrabí (Miloš Vávra). Podezření padne na loutnistu (Saša Rašilov), jehož snoubenku se purkrabí pokusil zneužít.
The Horváth family is a Romani family with seven children, and the story begins with the tragic death of the father. His wife, Vera, is suddenly in a fight with the authorities, determined to keep her large family together at all costs, but she is hopelessly ill-prepared for the task. They are evicted from their home and her case-Vera versus the city-finds its way to a young, ambitious lawyer. She doesn't know the world of the Romani, nor is she particularly interested in it. Initially she takes the case as a springboard for her career. Despite her prejudices, incomprehension and sometimes Vera herself, she doesn't abandon the case. Luckily she is not the only one who sides with the family. There is a social worker whose attempts to help the Horváths are also motivated by his entirely private interest in the attractive lawyer.
Jedna ruka netleska...
Fanny is ten year old girl and a very talented gymnast, but suddenly she's getting seriously injured and ends in a wheelchair.
vlastník rádia
Robert works for a travel agency and helps to arrange scenes from the everyday lives of "ordinary" Czech families as an attraction for Japanese tourists. He also works as a kind of matchmaker and occasionally helps to put together some of his friends. He helps to separate his friend Hanka from Peter, an announcer for an independent radio station who tries to capture "real" life by recording the moments from "reality" and playing them over the air. Vesna, came to Prague from Macedonia because it is according to her the best place for UFOs to land, but her real reason for coming is somewhat different... Hanka is followed by the crazy Ondrej, until then a respected brain surgeon, and married with two kids. Through him she meets Jacob, who uses copious amounts of weed in order to be constructive in this gloomy world. On the other hand, this destroys his short-term memory - and he forgets that he already has a girlfriend...
Zatímco Kendy se jako pomocný režisér vrací do rodného města natáčet s televizním štábem třináctidílný seriál, Štěpán Šafránek, vybaven po promoci maminčinými radami, nastupuje na své první místo - na internu zdejší nemocnice. Jeho nepřizpůsobivost místním poměrům a smysl pro etiku zvoleného povolání však příliš nevyhovuje ostatním už zaběhnutým kolegům. Zatímco ti se škodolibě baví jeho horlivostí a zodpovědností, Štěpán má stále větší problémy s nadřízenými, až je nakonec přesunut na všemi odmítané místo venkovského obvodního lékaře. V Bezdíkově však potkává novou, snad už trvalou a opětovanou lásku, s níž se posléze rozhodne žít a pracovat v severních Čechách. (oficiální text distributora)
A story about a young medical school student and his adventures.
Technical school student Pavel Brychta, arrives at a youth correctional facility located within a chateau in Konečno. He is an atypical, but not hopeless case for the institution. Pavel comes from a well-off family and his antisocial behaviour on the verge of criminality was some kind of response to his difficult relationship with his authoritative father. However, it takes quite some effort for Pavel to find his place in this environment of bullying, and also diverse methods from the tutors