Gengyou Zhu

Gengyou Zhu

출생 : 2009-08-08, gansu,China

프로필 사진

Gengyou Zhu

참여 작품

The Curious Tale of Mr.Guo
In the 1960s, Guo Xiaolu and Su Lingfang met for the first time. They should have grown up together because of an accident. The never-arriving letter allowed the two to embark on a different life trajectory and opened the fate of a lifetime. The reunion after a long absence coincided with the prosperity of the two. Ding Mengmeng (Li Tingting), Wang Xiaomo (Wang Xiaokun) and Wang Qingwei (Xu Weihao) were also accompanied by them. As the years passed, the fate of a generation was ups and downs in the torrent of the times. After Guo Xiaolu reunited with Su Lingfang after life and death, they made an unexpected choice.
나는 약신이 아니다
Cheng Xiaoshu
아내에게 이혼당하고 인도산 정력제를 팔며 근근이 살아가던 ‘청용’에게 비싼 약값을 감당하기 힘들었던 백혈병 환자 ‘뤼서우이’가 찾아와 정품의 20분의 1 가격인 인도산 백혈병 치료제 밀수를 제안한다. 단순히 돈벌이 목적으로 시작했던 일은 환자들에게 점차 희망을 심어주게 되고, ‘청용’은 환자들 사이에서 약의 ‘신’으로 떠오르게 되는데.....
The Road Not Taken
A Gobi Desert ostrich farmer indebted to the local mob agrees to take care of a kidnapped boy until the father provides the ransom.