Short documentary film telling the story of the peaceful coexistence between humans and chimpanzees in Guinea, West Africa – and the way that bauxite mining (for aluminum) now threatens to destroy the home of both.
Sound Recordist
As Singapore dredges sand from beneath Cambodia's mangrove forests, an ecosystem, a communal way of life, and one woman's relationship to her beloved home are faced with the threat of erasure.
Director of Photography
As Singapore dredges sand from beneath Cambodia's mangrove forests, an ecosystem, a communal way of life, and one woman's relationship to her beloved home are faced with the threat of erasure.
As Singapore dredges sand from beneath Cambodia's mangrove forests, an ecosystem, a communal way of life, and one woman's relationship to her beloved home are faced with the threat of erasure.
As Singapore dredges sand from beneath Cambodia's mangrove forests, an ecosystem, a communal way of life, and one woman's relationship to her beloved home are faced with the threat of erasure.
In her feature directorial debut, Kalyanee Mam, the cinematographer for the Academy Award–winning documentary Inside Job, explores the damage rapid development has wrought in her native Cambodia on both a human and environmental level.
In her feature directorial debut, Kalyanee Mam, the cinematographer for the Academy Award–winning documentary Inside Job, explores the damage rapid development has wrought in her native Cambodia on both a human and environmental level.
미국 리먼 브라더스의 파산 신청과 최대 보험사 AIG의 몰락은 미국 경제를 뒤흔들었다. 월 스트리트 쇼크로 글로벌 주식 시장은 그 즉시 휘청거렸다. 전 세계는 수십 조 달러의 빚더미에 올라앉았고 경제 침체는 계속되었다. 집 값과 자산은 대폭락했고, 3천만 명이 해고됐으며, 5천만 서민들은 극빈자가 되었다. 세계 경제를 파탄으로 내몰았지만… 여전히 돈과 권력을 손에 쥐고 있을 주범들은 과연 어디 있는가.