아내의 임신 후 사이가 멀어지기 시작한 부부. 관계를 회복하기 위해 산속으로 둘만의 하이킹 여행을 떠난다. 하지만 그들의 텐트에 드리운 죽음의 그림자. 누군가 그들에게 총구를 겨눈다. 그들을 죽여야만 하는 정체불명의 누군가가.
Mrs Lindelöf
작가 남편의 성공을 위해 평생을 바친 아내 ‘조안’, 마침내 노벨문학상 수상 소식이 전해지고 ‘킹메이커’로서 모든 걸 이뤘다고 생각한 순간, 두 사람의 충격적인 비밀이 밝혀지는데…
Mrs. Björkman
1945년 홀로코스트 강제수용소에서 해방 된 25 세의 헝가리인 '미클로쉬'는 스웨덴 병원에서 치료 받는다. 의사들은 그가 심한 폐질환 때문에 6개월 이상 살기 어렵다고 진단한다. 그러나 그는 포기하지 않고 함께 새로운 삶을 시작할 수 있는 아내를 찾고자 스웨덴에서 치료받고 있는 117 명의 헝가리 소녀들에게 편지를 보낸다. 소녀 중 한 명인 19 세의 '릴리'는 미클로쉬와 교감을 느끼고 그와 편지를 주고받기 시작한다. 사랑이 모든 것을 치유한다는 메시지를 담은 작품으로 원작 소설가이자 감독 부모가 겪은 실화이다.
Eskil moves from town to town with his father in Northern Sweden. He misses his mother and sucks at playing hockey, the main activity among the boys his age. Things changes when he meets Trinidad, a mysterious woman who lives outside society spending her time building a great ship that perhaps could take Eskil to his mother...
어느 날, 한 가족이 모두 끔찍하게 살해 당하는 의문의 사건이 벌어진다. 유일하게 살아남은 생존자는 아들 요세프. 사건 이후, 크게 다친 채 의식을 회복하지 못하는 그의 기억 속에 남아있을 범인과 관련된 단서를 찾기 위해 최면 전문의 에리크가 수사에 동원된다. 의심쩍은 사건을 해결하기 위해 노력하는 에리크를 통해 점차 드러나는 요세프의 기억 속 범인의 정체는 그러나 결코 상상할 수 없는 잔혹한 결말을 예고하는데...
Karina Björnlund
A stripper at the club Studio Six is murdered. A political scandal takes off when the Minister of Commerce appears to have been at the club. He resigns - but only to hide an even bigger secret.
They are people who have important significance for each other, but are not honest with each other. They live in a shadow world of lies and half truths and just waiting for the truth to come forward so they can continue their lives in a new direction.
Henrik returns home to the family he hasn't seen in fifteen years just in time for his father's funeral. The coffin is a couple of sizes too small and his mother wants to sleep forever. More then ever Henrik needs to unite with his older brother Ronnie, who has spent his whole life at home on the farm.
The boss
The lives of three working class women in northern Sweden.
Magnus is a photographer specializing in family portraits. When he plans for his mother’s 75th birthday he discovers family secrets that will change his life.
A man tells his wife about a dream he had last night, he was in Paris and the Eiffel Tower was missing. She does not understand however, what is this Eiffel Tower of which he speaks?
Desirée, a modern librarian with urban friends and interests is visiting her late husband's grave when she meets Benny, a simple farmer. After his mother's death Benny lives alone on the run-down farm, desperately seeking a woman to take care of him. In spite of their differences the two have the dream of finding that special someone in common, and fall passionately in love. Benny wants Desirée to move in with him and start a family as soon as possible. But being a farmer's wife is not something she is very enthusiastic about. Just presenting Benny as her boyfriend proves to be an embarrassing experience. And when she gets a tempting job offer in Stockholm she has to consider her priorities carefully.