Svetlana Ustinova
출생 : 1982-05-01, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR
The relationship between Katya and her mother cannot be called simple anyway, but here, in the midst of the working day, Katya learns that her mother never flew with her friend to the resort, disappearing from the airport in an unknown direction. Having learned from the doctor the real reason for her mother's strange behavior, Katya not only reunites with her, but also reveals a lot of new things about her mother and herself.
A wealthy pharmaceutical business owner, Edik is used to managing and controlling. But fate brings him an unexpected surprise. The unemployed artist Petrovich, who decided to say goodbye to life, falls from the roof of a skyscraper onto a brand new expensive businessman’s car. Is the miserable life of a loser worth that kind of money? Moreover, he will never be able to return them. But debt must be received at all costs, for Edik it is a matter of principle, forgiving others is not in his rules. Edik decides that Petrovich will work for him for free, he has every right to do so, because he is a real master of life. Or does he only think so, and everything can change at any second and turn over exactly the opposite?
Tatyana, nanny
젊은 가족이 시 외곽의 새 아파트로 이사하며 새로 태어난 아기의 보모를 고용한다. 보모가 집에 들어오면서 이상한 일이 벌어지자 아들 이고르가 부모에게 말하지만 부모는 그 말을 믿지 않는다. 어느 날 집에 돌아온 이고르는 보모와 아기가 사라지고 부모가 이상한 행동을 하며 아기가 있었다는 사실을 기억 못 한다는 사실을 깨닫는다. 친구와 함께 아기를 찾아 나선 이고르는 보모가 바바 야가로 알려진 고대 슬라브 악령이라는 것을 알게 되는데...
Creative Producer
Hoping to change her life, Marina, a small town girl, embarks on a journey to a life coaching event. But an unexpected delay at a St. Petersburg airport sends her on a 24 hour comedic spree, which may ultimately provide her with the key to her happiness.
An unusual baby, a girl named Dominica, was dumped off to a perspective architect Kostia. Every time Kostia gets angry - the baby grows up...
A comedy inspired by legends and myths of Ancient Greece, and by the biographies of the most trendy and popular characters of Moscow’s social Olympus. The film’s hero is a Greek, who decides to repeat Odyssey’s journey but accidentally sails the wrong way. He finds himself in modern Moscow, where he gets acquainted with well-known personalities. These celebrities unselfishly perform incredible nonsense, while the Greek immediately fames himself as a problem-solver. And his advice always works, even if not quite the way the customers want. But the main problem which the Greek must solve is his own. He falls in love with Maria, the wife of Moscow’s “Zeus”. And to conquer her, the Greek must first rescue all the “gods” on the Moscow Olympus.
A wannabe model from a small Russian town robs a local bank to fund her modeling career.
카트야 코로예바는 모델이 되기 위해 엄마를 속이고 아부다비로 떠난다. 들뜬 마음도 잠시, 도착 후 자신이 아랍 남자에게 팔려갈 지도 모르는 현실에 직면한다. 하지만 엄마의 집착에서 벗어난 그녀에게는 주위의 모든 것들이 멋져 보이기만 하는데... 새로 사귄 친구들도, 자신을 사갈지도 모르는 아랍 남자도, 물질과 돈, 모든 게 그녀에겐 너무 소중하다. 원하는 것을 얻기 위해 자신의 몸을 내어주는 그녀들이지만 돈에 대한 욕망도 애정에 대한 욕망도 그녀들에겐 너무나 솔직하고 순수한 욕심이다. 비열한 탐욕의 세상에서 당당함을 잃지 않으려는 그녀들이 의지할 수 있는 건 오직 자신과 서로 뿐...
A high school student becomes convinced that the world is lost to evil and begins to challenge the morals and beliefs of the adults surrounding him.
끔찍한 과거를 가지고 있는 저주받은 자동차. 그리고 이를 중고시장에서 구입한 젊은 부부 올가와 안드레이. 가벼운 마음으로 부부 관계 회복을 위해 떠난 여행에서 이들은 정체불명의 존재가 함께 동승하고 있다는 느낌을 떨쳐 버릴 수 없다. 한적하고 외진, 어두운 길 위에서 과학적으로 설명할 수 없는 미스터리 한 일들이 벌어지고 이들은 극도의 불안과 생생한 공포를 겪게 되는데… 과연 이들은 이를 극복하고 목적지에 무사히 도착할 수 있을 것인가?
Sasha and Ilya, a bored young couple on a verge of breakup, are spending a New Year's Eve at a secluded beach house in Northern France then a carcass of an unidentified creature is washed ashore nearby. Later that day on his way back from a local bar Ilya meets Masha, a lost Russian girl, who seems to have gotten off the train at the wrong station and has nowhere to spend the night.
Sasha and Ilya, a bored young couple on a verge of breakup, are spending a New Year's Eve at a secluded beach house in Northern France then a carcass of an unidentified creature is washed ashore nearby. Later that day on his way back from a local bar Ilya meets Masha, a lost Russian girl, who seems to have gotten off the train at the wrong station and has nowhere to spend the night.
Sasha and Ilya, a bored young couple on a verge of breakup, are spending a New Year's Eve at a secluded beach house in Northern France then a carcass of an unidentified creature is washed ashore nearby. Later that day on his way back from a local bar Ilya meets Masha, a lost Russian girl, who seems to have gotten off the train at the wrong station and has nowhere to spend the night.
Olga the Dominatrix
눈을 떠보니 팔다리가 잘린 채 침대에 묶여 있는 헨리. 기억은 사라진 후다. 이내 스스로를 아내라고 소개하는 에스텔(헤일리 베넷)이 나타나 의수를 장착해주며 헨리를 사이보그로 재탄생시킨다. 음성 모듈까지 연결하려던 찰나, 연구소에 아칸 일당이 쳐들어온다. 헨리는 급히 에스텔과 탈출하지만 얼마 못 가 그녀는 잠복해 있던 적들에게 납치당하고 만다. 알고 보니 도시 전체는 세계 정복을 꿈꾸는 아칸 일당이 점령한 상태. 헨리는 자신을 끊임없이 공격해오는 용병을 상대로 목숨을 건 최후의 전쟁을 시작하게 되는데...
The main character is an Opel Astra car. The car has become an integral part of every person's life. In the short stories the characters work and rest together with the Opel Astra, meet, get to know each other and fall in love, quarrel and make peace.
This city is no longer on the map. In the 30-40s of the twentieth century, during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir, seven hundred villages, one hundred and forty churches and monasteries, the ancient Russian city of Mologa went under water. An area of 4,600 kilometers was flooded. The deceased city carried away a secret that has not been solved so far.
세계인권선언 60주년을 맞아 유엔 인권고등판무관실(UNCHR)이 제안하고 ART for The World(NGO)가 제작한 인권에 관한 옴니버스 영화. 문화, 개발, 존엄과 정의, 환경, 젠더, 분배라는 6개의 테마로 한 22편의 단편으로 구성되어 있다. 세계적으로 유명한 영화감독, 예술가, 작가가 함께 작업한 대규모 프로젝트로 참여자들의 개성과 인권에 대한 시각을 엿볼 수 있다.
Border guard Andrei discovers hiding places where drug dealers hide huge quantities of heroin while crossing the Afghan border. In revenge for their colossal losses, the bandits decide to execute Andrey. Miraculously escaping death, he not only settles accounts with his executioners and exposes a major drug mafia, but also wins his love.
The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?